Forums - the best 3 characters in the whole game? by far. Totally Unstoppable. Show all 108 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- the best 3 characters in the whole game? by far. Totally Unstoppable. ( Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:11:2000 11:41 PM: man i KNOW that there is NO WAY --ANYONE__ can beat the awesome and fearsome unstoppable power of Venom, Morrigan and War Machine. there is no possibility that anyone can defeat them. Venom Morrigan and War Machine in that order, or if they don't start cable start Morrigan. but use Venom against cable. THAT'S IT MAN-- nobody can even Try to come close so go to hell if you think you can kick this teams ass man. you will be DEAD if you face this team no matter what you do unless you handicap the player controlling their awesome powers. i'm not done yet. My Prediction is that THIS TEAM IS GOING TO WIN AT B5. they will WIN the whole thing. and NOBODY will be able to even THINK of disputing their ultimate victory over the dozens of cables and spirals and dooms and blackhearts and storms and sentinels and cylcopses and striders and magnetos. NOBODY can HOPE to come close. not even Servbot, Dan, Hulk, Both Dominant Wolverines, Chun Li or even Roll can hope to TOUCH this crazy ass non stop DEATH team man. your ass is going DOWN if you face the HORRORS! that this team has. you can't ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence 1000 times, you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence INFINITE times. you know, like morrigan's infinites or Venom's or War Machines? spider dan tried to say that they suck, but i am saying they will WIN the ENTIRE B5 TOURNAMENT EASILY. against EVERYONE. and you can QUOTE me on that. sometimes storm is hard to beat with them but that's IT. no, that is insulting. the only one who is hard for them is Wolverines, Servbot, Roll, Dan and Zangief. but still Venom, Morrigan and Mar Machine TRIUMPH. they are FAR TOO POWERFUL, and WAY too INTIMIDATING. ...... NO there is noone! Forget it! NOTHING can come CLOSE! they IMBALANCE MVC2! they SCARE the SHIT! out of cable. no cable guy could ever say that shit about cable.later. and p.s. you are NUTS if you disagree. and you are WRONG no matter what. bye. this is the truth, NO ARGUMENTS. NOTHING. only THIS. you are WRONG. bye. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:11:2000 11:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: man i KNOW that there is NO WAY --ANYONE__ can beat the awesome and fearsome unstoppable power of Venom, Morrigan and War Machine. there is no possibility that anyone can defeat them. Venom Morrigan and War Machine in that order, or if they don't start cable start Morrigan. but use Venom against cable. THAT'S IT MAN-- nobody can even Try to come close so go to hell if you think you can kick this teams ass man. you will be DEAD if you face this team no matter what you do unless you handicap the player controlling their awesome powers. i'm not done yet. My Prediction is that THIS TEAM IS GOING TO WIN AT B5. they will WIN the whole thing. and NOBODY will be able to even THINK of disputing their ultimate victory over the dozens of cables and spirals and dooms and blackhearts and storms and sentinels and cylcopses and striders and magnetos. NOBODY can HOPE to come close. not even Servbot, Dan, Hulk, Both Dominant Wolverines, Chun Li or even Roll can hope to TOUCH this crazy ass non stop DEATH team man. your ass is going DOWN if you face the HORRORS! that this team has. you can't ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence 1000 times, you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence INFINITE times. you know, like morrigan's infinites or Venom's or War Machines? spider dan tried to say that they suck, but i am saying they will WIN the ENTIRE B5 TOURNAMENT EASILY. against EVERYONE. and you can QUOTE me on that. sometimes storm is hard to beat with them but that's IT. no, that is insulting. the only one who is hard for them is Wolverines, Servbot, Roll, Dan and Zangief. but still Venom, Morrigan and Mar Machine TRIUMPH. they are FAR TOO POWERFUL, and WAY too INTIMIDATING. ...... NO there is noone! Forget it! NOTHING can come CLOSE! they IMBALANCE MVC2! they SCARE the SHIT! out of cable. no cable guy could ever say that shit about cable.later. and p.s. you are NUTS if you disagree. and you are WRONG no matter what. bye. this is the truth, NO ARGUMENTS. NOTHING. only THIS. you are WRONG. bye. BULLSHIT Posted by Random idiot on 11:12:2000 02:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Super Saiyan Cable: BULLSHIT ...You KNOW he is kidding, right? Doesn't the "not even Servbot, Dan, Hulk, Both Dominant Wolverines, Chun Li or even Roll can hope to TOUCH this crazy ass non stop DEATH team man" part tell you that? Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:12:2000 11:32 AM: who's kidding. this team is probably the best team in the whole game. no fuck probably, It Is the Best. nothing and nobody can compete with it, or even hope to survive against their combined powers. they are so balanced together and perfectly designed for destroying other teams that you'd have to be a fuckin idiot to not use them man. yes, i discovered their greatness myself. by the way, Dan and Hulk don't suck. Roll doesn't suck, Servbot doesn't suck, the 2 Dominant Wolverines don't suck, Chun Li doesn't suck, also Sakura doesn't suck, neither does Zangief. they are all top level characters man okay. anybody who says anything different will answer to ME. my Venom, Morrigan, War Machine will eat your best team up for fucking breakfast baby. i mean what the hell do you expect? i am using the best team in the entire game, or history of games, or history of anything at all. i have found and CREATED the very best shit that ever existed. how about them apples man. FUCK every other character except for those three, the game is horribly imbalanced and unfair as soon as they are put together. Yes, all this was discovered by me. Sorry to mess up MVC2 for everyone else in the world. blame it on Capcom for OverPowering those three characters man. i'm just the lucky guy who figured it all out. late. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:12:2000 11:40 AM: okay i have to say this seriously and for real: i am going to B5 whenever it happens and i am going to use this team. i will use it at least once during a real match, and at least once in the finals matches. that is if i can make it that far. but if i don't make it that far, it will definitely and obviously be because of my merciful pity on all the other competitors, my consideration to not bring them such shame on the b5 tape by choosing the three Very Best Characters there are in anything and kicking their ass. hard. no but fucking seriously i think this team is just as good as spiral cable sentinel doom blackheart teams, in fact much better than a lot of them. they are superior to almost every single team in the game with the exception of storm teams and possibly three cables. that is all i can think of that would kick this teams ass. a storm team with double energy and a 3 cables team with infinite super. those two i think might have a chance. a small chance. a very small and unlikely chance, but what can you do, you know. it is so unfair to even pick those three characters together that you need bullshit to beat it. who knows why capcom made them this awesome man. i don't even know and i am the guy who found it. see you at b5, i promise to go easy on you and not unleash their fury as often as i could. i mean what fun would dominating the tournament with these three vicious, horrifying monsters be? be thankful for my pity. bye Posted by FlipBonne on 11:12:2000 03:57 PM: I am VERY curios on how this team works explain. OH and I think that PSYLOCK (anti air) DOOM (Antiair) and STORM (Projectile or Expansion) is the best team Posted by Galactica Phantom on 11:13:2000 07:09 AM: The best team is Roll, Chun-li, and servbot!!!!! not even Dan can stop them!! Honoo ga, OMAE O YONDERUZE Posted by blahblah112233 on 11:13:2000 07:55 AM: wats ur strategy for ur "unstopable"team Posted by nemesis on 11:13:2000 08:51 AM: yep... i want to know that "incredible" venom/morrigan/wm strategy... (spiral/cable/cyclops kick ass) Posted by IMustBJackson on 11:13:2000 08:59 AM: You know, I once complained about a lack of trash talking....but this is ridiculous. Cripes. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:13:2000 10:33 AM: start venom and fierce while calling war machine's projectile assist. cancel into jab web throw. if against cable call whatever assist you want while you're in the air and fierce venom fang his air super. make him waste his supers then you can advance, and throw him. while he's stuck in the web, do two crouching jabs into team super. morrigan should be on anti air assist, so her team super will suck but war machine's will do a lot of damage with venom's mixed in. or if you want just do two ducking jabs to kick super then after it ends make them block a ducking jab canceled into throw and do it again. guard crush the next guy who comes in after you kill the first one with fierce web throw while they're about to jump into the screen cancelled into Venom Web. cancel it into soul eraser if morrigan is not too badly damaged, and if you have the super cancel soul eraser into proton cannon. if you're morrigan, do war machine's projectile assist then air dash up forward and hit whatever they try to do against war machine's assist with an air fierce. make them block regular moves with the last fierce into ducking roundhouse into war machine assist into soul fist into dash into standing fierce into war machine assist again into up forward air dash. that is her basic pattern. if you ever tag them with an air hit, either combo her dragon punch super or launch them and against big characters do her infinite or do jabshortjabshort,jabshort airdash jabshort fierce roundhouse(you can only do the roundhouse if they're in the corner)off the ground with jab, ducking jab, jumpup and do jabshortjabshortfierce roundhouse(the roundhouse will only work on big characters) then throw with backwards yoga flame. if you need to bring war machine in, cancel soul eraser into war destroyer, but not against cable. try to stay in the air so cable is forced to super jump after you and air dash down and switch war machine in. as war machine, against everyone except cable, do ducking fierce into venom assist (even morrigan's) into jab shoulder cannon, if they air dash in do standing roundhouse cancelled into smartbombs while holding forward on the stick, call venom, jump and smartbomb toward them, knee dive down with roundhouse and when you touch the ground call venom again and if they jump start the standing roundhouse over again, if they block venom do ducking fierce to jab shoulder cannon again. against cable you have to jump and smart bomb toward him and when you touch the ground, only do ONE ducking fierce into jab shoulder cannon. jump toward him while calling venom then air dash to the other side. make cable block some ground shit then end it with short shoulder cannon, then block whatever he does then get in the sky with a super jump and smart bomb down ONCE. just keep hiding from air hyper viper beam until venom's healed enough to come in and fight cable. also use venom against spiral, blackheart and sentinel. use war machien against doom, storm or also sentinel. but don't get too brave with war machine if they have cable as their next guy in line, they can always crossover counter cable in with scimitar assist over and through your attack and cancel it into air hyper viper beam and fuck up what you just did. don't get too stupid with venom either, when trying to throw remember that all cable wants to do his hit you with standing or ducking short short roundhouse then youre fucked. or anti air assist, and same shit. but don't worry if it's an anti air assist that blasts you into the sky like commando's or guiles or kens. you can fierce venom fang down and hit them back and make cable start blocking. always use assists while jumping with venom against cable and be ready to throw him when he starts to block and make sure you jump while you're assist is out. and fierce venom fang when he supers, don't air dash. morrigan should always super their assists, call venom assist first then soul fist cancelled into soul eraser. just do a yoga flame move for the cancel or you'll get her dragon punch super. and watch out when they have storm. you have to super jump then air dash upward then try to make her block a move and make her block shit all the way until the ground, then make her block assists, then block a soul fist, then after she blocks the soul fist, do a soul eraser from full screen. she will most probably try to jump or move after blocking the fireball, and also this shit works anytime--after making them block a far soul fist,, do a soul eraser. if they are not blocking when the super activates they are hit. just like maximum spider. i am lazy to type the rest of the shit you guys have enough shit. if you think it's wrong, sorry. maybe you're right. wait what the fuck am i saying man, YOU ARE WRONG IF YOU THINK THIS SHIT IS WRONG. NOT ONLY ARE YOU WRONG, YOUR ASS IS GOING TO GET KILLED SO HARD BY THIS TEAM THAT YOU WILL COMMIT SUICIDE FROM THE SHAME. SO CONSIDER YOURSELF DEAD IF YOU THINK THIS IS WRONG. IT IS AUTOMATIC, I'M SORRY. A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE NOW GOING TO DIE FROM THIS POST. WELL, TOO BAD FOR YOU SUICIDAL MVC2 PLAYERS. YOUR FATE HAS BEEN ALREADY CHOSEN, BY VENOM, MORRIGAN AND WAR MACHINE. late. and see you at b5. later. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:13:2000 11:08 AM: this team is completely fucked is nothing even a tiny bit close to the truth that dairy queen guy is preaching. like i posted before its all bullshit and easy to type that crazy shit. it comes from a fuckin dreamworld.there is NOTHING that this retarded team can do against the cables blackhearts etc... and all those fuckers that are always being mentioned. maybe and its a big damn maybe, if you replaced war machine morrigan or venom with cable and a GOOD anti air assist character there could be a team made to kick the ass of spiral cable and cyclops sentinal and the rest of those types of fighters . but if you pair up these three bitches together there is NOTHING they can do. "and you can quote me on that" i KNOW that this team will get kicked out of b5 as soon as it gets serious.this team is good against....oh sorry about that this team is good against nothing it sucks dick and eats shit"whoever will use this team will commit suicide of the shame and will feel the horror of the VICIOUS POWERFUL and INTIMIDATING powers of....ANY other fuckin team out there." the strategies posted here are 10000% accurate and am suprised on how right it is assuming that dairy queen guy knows exactly what is going to happen. it is so easy to type in all that crap but it doesnt make it true.Dairy Queen Guy KNOWS that he has to use a cable spiral blacheart/cyclop/sentinal or any character that he is good with type of team and make sure the third character can play with cable and spiral. or at least use GOOD team to win b5 and not the infamous venom war machine morrigan no matter what he says at the fuckin final match this team wont win IF its used. to me the best team by far is none it does depend on the player and what techniques he uses and how they deal with versatility and all that shit.BUT you do need pretty good characters to go along with the player and VENOM MORRIGAN and WAR MACHINE for sure WILL NOT be the best team. late. [This message has been edited by Super Saiyan Cable (edited 11-12-2000).] Posted by bohdi on 11:13:2000 11:09 PM: hyes just trying to pull a imustbejackson only hes not as funny Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:14:2000 03:58 AM: overdoing = not funny writing 39 page essay without a paragraph = unreadable playing with venom/gan/war = losing nuff said.. Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:14:2000 05:11 AM: limp_bizkit.what the hell was the point of posting your reply. "39page essay w/out paragraph=unreadable"= this isnt a fuckin term paper nobody gives a shit how its typed "playing with venom/morrigan/war machine=losing"=it could probably whoop your ass. you didnt talk about a team that could beat it or say why you think it sucks. are you just saying that shit because you want to be "cool" and copy what other people are saying or what. were you trying to talk shit or trying to be funny with the "=" crap? well your ass failed and would probably get beaten easily by this team cause its perfect to embarass someone like you when it gets a perfect on your ass. late [This message has been edited by Super Saiyan Cable (edited 11-13-2000).] Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:14:2000 10:17 AM: FUCK YOU Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:14:2000 09:25 PM: I'm curious to know,dairy queen guy,have you ever played against top players like Alex Valle or any one representing team USA? I mean how do you know your team is kicking so much ass only against scrubs? What if every player you have beaten is just too stupid to learn how to try and counter your team? I am not trying to get a rise out of you, I am just curious.Thanx. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:14:2000 09:43 PM: :limp_bizkit.what the hell was the point of osting your reply. same to you, dumb ass :"39page essay w/out paragraph=unreadable"= :this isnt a fuckin term paper nobody :gives a shit how its typed uh,okaytypewhateverysoyoucan'tevenreadit? dumbfuckingloserthepointofwritingincludescleartran sferofthoughts,sogobacktoyourmommey'sdickandstfu. :"playing with venom/morrigan/war machine=losing"=it could probably :whoop your ass. okay. why don't you play that team against my spiral/cable/blackheart and see if you can play against it... just cause you lose to every team imaginable does not make others lose as well.. :you didnt talk about a team that could beat :it or say why you think it sucks. are you :just saying that shit because you want to :be "cool" and copy what other people are :saying or what. :were you trying to talk shit or trying to :be funny with the "=" crap? i think it's going to lose against any top tier teams. strider/doom, spiral, cable, whatever... it just does not have enough ability to overcome the cable supers.. they do not have the mobility, the speed, and their supers lag as hell... no, i wasn't trying to talk shit, just to say i couldn't read shit he wrote. and just to say that his team won't last a round in b5. :well your ass failed and would probably get :beaten easily by this team cause its erfect to embarass someone like you when :it gets a perfect on your ass. failed at what? making a dumb ass redneck like you understand that you can't read an essay without proper paragraphs and any form of seperation? failed at what? making a scrub ass newbie like you that you can't play venom/morrigan against cables and cyclopes and blackhearts and dooms? failed at what? i guess you failed at making a snapback, cause the only thing you proved is that humans CAN exist without brains... byeya p.s-dairy queen, go find anyone that played in b4 and play your team against his best. if you win 3 out of 10, then i'll consider your team as top tier. so far through expeerice and character stats, it just won't cut it. Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. [This message has been edited by Limp_Bizkit666 (edited 11-14-2000).] Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:15:2000 07:52 AM: i can understand your ass wanting to talk shit to me and because i fucked with you cause of your retarded reply. but with the shit you wrote you're just embarrassing yourself even more because you fall into the category of insults that you type. youre calling me a redneck? shit.your dumbass is the one whos calling himself limp_bizkit. whyd you cahl meh a redneckkk uh i isnt knowin whut yer talkin about???nuff said... what the fuck is "nuff said"? did you learn that shit from uncle jebadiah and daddy jethrow? youre a joke. all the shit you typed applies to you. atleasttheothershitwasreadablebutthisgaycrap isanexaggerationwhydidyoutypethis wereyoutryingtosaythisishowitlooked? "...cleartransferofthoughts,sogobacktoyour mommey'sdickandstfu" sorry i cant do that i dont practice the gay shit that you rednecks and queers do down in your hick states. oh yeah and somebody better tell you this: mothers dont have dicks you retard. were you typing this to make me mad? too bad dork, it just showed off more of your stupidity. i didnt say i played this team. i said dairy queen guy would whoop your ass with it.but id be happy to beat your ass with my cable, strider, doom. look loser if you can't read something unless all the capitals are made and there are indentations on paragraphs then youre a fuckin moron and you shouldnt be on this site. this scrub newbie will beat your ass easily against your cable blackheart spiral. and who said i was a newbie? and you if you want to talk about writing stuff that people can read what the fuck is cyclopes and expeerience. learn how to spell "its not readable." "i guess you failed at making a snapback,cause the only thing you proved is that humans CAN exist without brains..." is that the best shit you can come up with? anyways bizkit, like i said before you type a lot of bullshit and only type the same things other people say in the other forums. late [This message has been edited by Super Saiyan Cable (edited 11-14-2000).] Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:15:2000 09:02 AM: whats up man. okay i have to say this shit seriously now because you jokers are jumping at the chance to say some shit man. okay man this is it man-- i play against cables every day. every fucking day the same shit, cable sandwiched in between a character used as a battery and an anti air assist. sometimes it's sentinel instead of cable. sometimes it's not. sometimes dr. doom instead of anti air assist. i don't really care, it's all about cable. i have to always play strider cable doom, magneto cable cyclops, spiral cable doom, spiral cable cyclops, doom blackheart sentinel, storm blackheart doom, spiral cable blackheart, i don't play that many juggernauts but tons and tons of magnetos. and a hell of a lot of strider/doom. a lot of cable with doom and cable with cyclops. every day the same shit. well it happens that i have gotten streaks using venom morrigan and war machine before. one 6 game streak against non stop cable teams. usually i don't get streaks though and i admit it hasn't happened very often. more like once a week. like fucking today i got my fuckign ass kicked again. but i don't EVER just lose every game. at the beginning yes but not any more. at the arcade it is different than at home, but i have practice at both and play at home to discover new shit and go to the arcade to experience it against different characters than my brother uses. the point is i never fuckign NEVER get slaughtered game after game by any cable team. Never. you want to know why? because I FUCKING KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO. i know EXACTLY what every cable team is trying to do. i know all their tactics. i know at which points their characters are open. i know what spiral is trying to do, what strider does, what cable does, what doom is trying to do, what storm always does, what blackheart tries to do, i have that shit Memorized okay. and you should too if you want to be any good. the other reason why is I FUCKING KNOW WHAT MY TEAM CAN DO. i have their capability Memorized and i try my best to make the most of it against the intimidating tactics of the aforementioned characters that fucking everybody uses all the time. after a long time seeing the same shit and having it done to you you start to realize what is going on. fighting cable is fucking dangerous okay. even a guy who only knows how to do air hyper viper beam and repeat it or guard crush and just dash around. there are so many dumbass cables that only know that, but if you fuck up to them it's your ass. with three measly levels he can fuck up your entire squad. your plan is ruined because you tried to kick right when he called anti air assist. or you messed up protecting your own assist and left yourself open for one second. now this is the experience talking, okay-- cable kicks fucking ass but he is only one character with one plan. and if you have fought that shit over and over again you know exactly what cable is thinking, and also what his co-stars are thinking. no matter who it is using cable, they are going to try to kill any assists you throw. they will try to dash at you because they know if you fuck up on your defense air hyper viper beam is fast enough to punish you to death, what have they got to lose? venom's fierce venom fang from the air all the way across the screen can force cable to block and punish his assist. it knocks the assist up in the air and you can call morrigan's anti air assist to knock the assist up even higher when you land, and do a jab venom fang and cable can not retort. venom right in cable's face is very bad for cable. venom can call an assist and fierce venom fang over cable and the assist will be behind cable's head. venom can venom fang cable's assists and go too fast and recover too fast to be air hyper vipered. hey limp bizkit are these enough fucking indentations for you to read? when cable super jumps venom can wait on the ground and make cable land on jab venom fang. if he roundhouses the best he can do is trade hits. cable's viper beam is very very hard to use against venom. i almost never see it any more because i have always venom fanged over it and hit him. morrigan can call war machine projectile assist and cover it by quickly super jumping up and soul fist downward at cable. she can then air dash to the other side of cable, or even if she is all the way across the screen she can get right in his face with up-forward air dash. at this point war machine's assist has affected cable by making him block or it's just been called out anyway and war machine's off the screen, and morrigan is on the offense, making cable block her regular move chains which build meter for later on when cable is not fighting. any time morrigan gets above cable, she can call an assist to fight his anti air assist and start making him block using air dashes. scimitar will miss and ground grenade will miss, if cable throws the grenade in the air i am right now disciplining myself to block it. i have taken too many air hyper viper beams off of grenades, because it's hard for me to mash out in time and i am used to going on offense when i air dash in. morrigan can instantly block while air dashing and her delayed hyper combo of soul eraser to war machine's proton cannon takes half life off the assist, which is probably still hurting from being juggled in venom fangs at the beginning of the match. even if it isn't, i won't super assists unless i know i can kill them. cable pays you back too well to fuck that up. one team that kills this team is storm. she can fly in the sky and call blackheart then vertical typhoon and it is hard as fuck to super jump up there and venom fang her. even when i finally get war machine in there, i have to really take advantage of the opportunity that one war destroyer gives to get storm at mid height of the level then super jump and up-fierce/smart bomb her to get her on the floor. right away i have to start calling morrigan's anti air assist during ducking fierces and jab shoulder cannons trying to build enough super to war destroyer her down again when she air dashes out of war machine's traps. it is hard as fuck but i try to hang as long as i can and it costs super to war destroyer down storm but if you can get her on the floor and get venom in there safely he can pin her with morrigan's assist. it is possible. i am now getting the idea to start war machine against storm. that shit would be good, she can not start running away right away. but this leaves me with no super at all, it's all spent on war destroyers that miss, only giving war machien time to get in the sky at least parallel to her and force her on to the ground. man storm is hard to fuckign fight man. i am sick of typing this crap. but let me tell you guys this, okay. here where i play i think everybody knows me and they have fought my shit a LOT. they would do right now a fuckign Hell of a lot better than you guys, who would only be as good as they were when they First faced these teams. they have Learned the ins and outs, but you guys have Not. all you have is the information that i am giving away in these posts and your own brains, which you don't use except to keep doing the exact same shit with your characters that you think rule this game. it is really too bad, you guys are missing out man. there is so much inside mvc2 to try out and to mix together and you guys limit it to the ones that are currently being played in the tournaments. look in two years who is playing who at the tournaments. there will always be the same teams, but there will also be new shit too. i am sure of that. bye Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:15:2000 09:23 AM: i have one more thing to post, limp bizkit please don't fucking call anyone a fucking redneck okay. i understand why you are talking shit to super saiyan cable but he is my brother and i don't like it. i know he said something to you first, but i dont' care, i don't like you because you are insulting him. family is family, you know? even if you are right(which you are not)i dont' like you because he's my family and he doesn't like you. so don't talk about going to mother's dick or redneck or newbie or whatever fucking dumbass shit you can think of man. just don't insult anyone okay, please. captain tanaka force i have never fought mr. alex valle or mr. duc. ive only watched them on the b4 tape. you know j.r. guitierrez? he kicked my ass hard. fucking really hard and really bad. a lot of times too. but i beat him at least sometimes. and at that time, i really sucked. i would LOVE to play him now. this is no bullshit. what i really want to do is face the champion Mr. Duc Do. i watched his skills in the b4 tape and i think of how that shit was going on months ago. i understand that he doesn't make mistakes, and doesn't hold anything back. he has Nerves of Steel man and i can see that he has a lot of experience, probably more than me. but let me tell you, it is not by much more. he might have more but not by much. i don't care right now about the big name guys. i will show up at b5 and i will try to compete, and if i do okay i will be happy. i honestly believe i have a chance to win, i am always finding out new shit every day and i encourage you guys to fucking try to find the things in mvc2 that is there for you to use. i am thinking of using Marrow to stop storm. she has towering spine and an air missle super that tracks. she can do bonerang in the air and it stays in the air, right? i don't know if her air super will track storm up there but i know that hulk can beat storm. i am also thinking of using sonson's giant super where she breathes fire to kill assists. and mech zangief's vertical lariat super to kill assists. you can't hit him out of that shit. i am trying to make an infinite with morrigan against sentinel, just jumping up and doing jab strong war machien assist fierce roundhouse shell kick, land on the ground, jump up with jab and repeat. it is hard but i thought of this crap and a lot more just a few days ago. my current project is doing standing roundhouse to air hyper viper beam, then doing a tiger knee motion with jab to do a jumping jab viper beam into 2nd air hyper viper beam. it doesn't do more damage, it just looks better for intimidating an oppenent, and can build a bit of super if you're just a little piece of meter off an extra hyper viper beam. and if you can get it to work, it allows all five to be connected even on small characters. good night. Posted by KoreanTom on 11:15:2000 10:37 AM: this is....THE GREATEST SHIT WAR THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE KEEP IT UP!!!! Somebody fan the flames for chrissakes, this is classic! Cripes. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:15:2000 11:00 AM: dairy, i'm sorry to make fun of your brother... thank god stupidity doesn't run in the family, cause i sure think you are not as retarted an unrealistic as your brother... saiyan, you are a fucking retarded shit. wtf are you talking about? aren't YOU the one that's exaggerating? "i can understand your ass wanting to talk shit to me and because i fucked with you cause of your retarded reply. but with the shit you wrote you're just embarrassing yourself even more because you fall into the category of insults that you type." HAHAHAHAHAHHA, great job. thats why i made fun of YOUR gay ass "it doens't make sense, but i'll do it anyways" post... "youre calling me a redneck? shit.your dumbass is the one whos calling himself limp_bizkit." HAHHAAHHAH dumb fucker, at least i'm not a little 6 year old who watches pokemon and calls himself an imaginary figure.. gogog, it's 5. i think pokemon and power rangers is on, you fucking little bitch. "what the fuck is "nuff said"? did you learn that shit from uncle jebadiah and daddy jethrow? youre a joke. all the shit you typed applies to you." HAHAHAHHHA, if you hadn't said it, i give it every right to make fun of it. since you are superior to every other human being out there, you can accuse of everyone else of doing something while you fucking said it. once again brings the point of your puny brain and your ability to understand accordingly. "oh yeah and somebody better tell you this: mothers dont have dicks you retard. were you typing this to make me mad? too bad dork, it just showed off more of your stupidity." it's not my fault that your mom has a dick.. wait, should i call he-she your dad? "i didnt say i played this team. i said dairy queen guy would whoop your ass with it.but id be happy to beat your ass with my cable, strider, doom." dumb fucker, i don't CARE if you never played that team. dairy queen brought up the argument that he can play the best with that team.. if you don't have the experience, stfu. and if that team is that good, THROW AWAY YOUR STRIDER AND DOOM then plug in venom or morrigan.. yeah, right. i bet you would.. "look loser if you can't read something unless all the capitals are made and there are indentations on paragraphs then youre a fuckin moron and you shouldnt be on this site." ooooh, i'm soooo sorry. i should have clarified that i am not able to read something unless IT'S LEGIBLE! fuck, how stupid can you be? like you have NOOO problem at all reading a page worth of writing without any form of spacing... HAHAA, i guess you haven't read any books to know the difference.. "this scrub newbie will beat your ass easily against your cable blackheart spiral. and who said i was a newbie?" i did. "and you if you want to talk about writing stuff that people can read what the fuck is cyclopes and expeerience. learn how to spell "its not readable."" you can always guess the mispelled words due to context. once again, you need more schooling to understand that. when you finally get out of 3rd grade, you'll know what i'm talking about. "is that the best shit you can come up with? anyways bizkit, like i said before you type a lot of bullshit and only type the same things other people say in the other forums." no, it's not the best i can come up with. i just didn't want to make enemies with a scrubby newbie. it's like arguing with a dog. they can't articulate, they can't talk, and sure they as hell can't understand a shit you say. man, dairy, how many times was your brother dropped on his head? did the doctor get scared of that shit he calls "face"? or was it the absence of any form of thought that made everyone be scared of him? i don't get this fag trying to be all hard and shit.. "oooh, i'll just back my brother up... i dont give a fuck that i know i'm wrong, i don't give a fuck that i never played that team, i don't give a fuck that i think my strider/doom/cable team is better.. why? cause i'm fucking stupid and he is my brother".. grow up shitsucking faggot. and dairy, ALL YOUR POST IS BASED ON ONE THING.. anticipation. without that, you can't win a round. do you think top players won just cause they can do pretty combos without fucking up? no. they win cause they are DYNAMIC. any top tier characters and any top notch players can CHANGE THEIR GAME PLANS EASILY.. but not you. your entire strategy is bases on assumptions that a certain action will occur. and that is very dangerous. especially in tornament format, you don't play just one game. you play many matches and the other player gets a chance to adapt to you. when he does, you can't do shit. your players just do not possess any adapt-ability. i mean, like i said, go play anyone in the finals of b4. well, not even finals, just some that entered. they do NOT stick to the same team, (usually) they do NOT use the same strat, and they do NOT become very predictable. sure, certain strats rule the board like traps.. but when the time comes in adapting, you just won't cut it.. byeya Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. 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Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:15:2000 09:16 PM: man limp bizkit don't fucking say shit to anyone else okay? what the fuck are you calling me a shit sucking faggot for man. you are a fucking bastard with a quick mouth man. i don't like your attitude. stop with the insults fuckface. i get what you're saying, i know what adapting is. that shit that you said is your opinion. go ahead and hang on to your shit. i can substitute one character-probably war machine- and then fight any team. any fucking team in this game at all okay. i will have to change war machine for blackheart. that's IT. blackheart is good on any team, his assist is probably the most all around in the game, but this team is weak against storm and doom. even cyclops can run away from them good. his assist also trades hits with venom fang, which is good enough for cable to use for air hyper viper, but i already know that and use jab web throw instead. you can use venom rush but it's risky. but if it hits, you get can cancel into venom web and if you have super, cancel into soul eraser then proton cannon, cable's almost dead. don't talk to me about fucking "adapt-ability" man. i understand what it means to adapt, and that includes adapting in time. against cable you don't have time to adapt, one mistake and one character is finished. i have experience okay. i don't need to adapt because i know what is coming. if someone changes, that means they stop killing my characters with 3 or 4 hyper viper beams and are trying something different. so i will have to adapt to something else, although i can't imagine what could be worse than that. killing 2, or all three, with hyper viper beams? i am going to use war machine even though i lose a lot because i am learning most of the shit that these three can do together, but i know that this team would be a hell of a lot better with blackheart somewhere. in the tournament i will not hesitate to infinite someone to death with war machine or morrigan, i don't know venom's infinite if he's got one. but blackheart's assist is way too valuable to pass up for war destroyer against storm and doom. war machine's projectile assist is very good but i can then switch morrigan to projectile assist because blackheart's can still work good. venom's assist is awesome with blackheart, morrigan's anti air assist would be even better but this team needs a fireball somewhere. man who the fuck are you telling to grow up you fuckin piece of shit? shut up man. "this fag is trying to be all hard and shit" shut the fuck up. don't talk any shit about me or anyone else, just say shit that has to do with marvel or games or some shit. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:15:2000 10:21 PM: HAHHAHAHAHHA "family is family, you know".. i guess you are right. but, you just made a big mistake. "i can substitude war machine for blackheart". i thought you said venom/gan/war was the MOST UNSTOPABLE TEAM EVER.. if it truly is like you said, then YOU WOULDN"T NEED TO SWITCH! dude, just because you need to change war machine for blackheart, it shows you that your team isn't the best! dude, just cause you beat little kids with that team, just cuase you beat losers who can only do one strat, DOES NOT MAKE YOU GOD. oh, and i can fucking call any dumb fucker a dumb fucker. he is the one that said stupid shit, so i replied.... but now, he is just irrationally FLAMING me for no fucking reason. wtf do you want me to do? do you just stand there when a 3 year old is trying to "kill" you? no you either just push that little kid away or tell him to fuck off. i'm telling him to fuck off.. is that wrong? i don't care if he is your brother. if you can't see past your bloodline and see his stupidity, i guess you are the same. byeya Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. 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Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:16:2000 07:39 AM: look limp_bizkit i am sorry if you take my shit serious enough to start bitching at every reply and type so much shit to defend what you say. if you cant fuckin take ANY criticism without going crazy then i apologize. im sorry i hurt your feelings i know that there are some little bitches out there that take shit too serious because they are sensitive little girly fags like you out there... my mistake. trying to "kill" you??? damn im sorry limpy i didnt mean to scare you. you are tough big kid and a little 5 year old like me should get a lollipop and keep quiet. like i said you cant take criticism if you write something stupid or unclear, originally you all you wrote was venom/morrigan/warmachine= losing for no reason if you were jokin around then make it at least something that isnt a smartass stupid comment. and the rest of your replies got worse each time you responded. who is trying to be hard? you thought that was hard core shit? im sorry hows this. oh gee whiz what the heckaroo are you talkin about?your replies are pretty confusing hehe you sound pretty smart though mr.limp youre my hero. youre a funny and COOOOOL guy will you be my friend cool guy byeya look man, when i said learn how to spell "its not readable" and you replied you can still understand what youre talking about which is exactly what i was pointing out you can still read what dairy queen guy was talking about. i dont know why youre saying i started talking shit. again you took criticism for talking shit, when you replied with stupidass brainless insults thats when i started making you sound like a retarded fag. and really dont take this shit serious. about making enemies no man i dont want that crap unless i really know the person and its kind of hard when im on the computer and so is the other person. at most, just think of this as a barrage of shit talking towards two people who dont agree. im not taking your stupid power rangers crap serious,not only cause its gay but because i have better things to do then to cry about shit like that. to tell you the truth i just dont care what you say except that i wont let it go unanswered just like what you said about a little kid and telling him to "fuck off".in this case instead of a little kid i think of you as a nerd who thinks hes hot shit. Look serious, if i offended you then im sorry BUT I won't let you talk shit and then shut up. so see your dumbass later. late. [This message has been edited by Super Saiyan Cable (edited 11-15-2000).] Posted by hadou-ken on 11:17:2000 12:20 PM: a [This message has been edited by hadou-ken (edited 11-17-2000).] Posted by ruph on 11:17:2000 07:49 PM: Da fuckz wrong with yall! This guy is just fucked! must be some kind of psyco (cant spell)! U actually take the time to type all dat shit? lets get back to the topic and forget all this Dairy Queen shit cause yall know that shit is BULL.. so dont even bother just ignore him! Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:17:2000 10:33 PM: go to hell ruph. Posted by Jinmaster on 11:17:2000 11:06 PM: Dairy Something, I'm not going to justify your posts with strategy, becuase I think you have been quite rude in general and don't dereve any help from people who play the game seriously. I would pose a simple question: how old are you? Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:18:2000 12:51 AM: 21. how about you. Posted by Jinmaster on 11:18:2000 01:15 AM: We're the same age. It amazes me that people my age act as you do. Posted by perplex shyt on 11:18:2000 03:18 AM: my dogs ass is pink-reddish Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:18:2000 06:05 AM: How does it sop run away Storm? War destroyer is to slow to be any good Posted by SilverGear on 11:18:2000 06:57 AM: *Ahem* First of all let me clear something up guys. EVERYONE has a different team they dominate with. While it may not be considered the best team it's THEIR PERSONAL best. For a perfect example my personal fav. team is: Marrow/Spiral/Silver Samurai. Now to some of you that's the crappiest team you've ever heard of, but to me it works perfectly. Plus you have to keep in mind that our skill levels vary. So as far as anyone knows Dairy Queen Guy could clean my clock (and yours as well) with his team with no sweat or it could be the other way around. Now while I'm not saying his teams the Greatest his team is not the worst either. There are NO perfect teams. Because there is ALWAYS someone better. Is my team the best? No. Is Dairy Queen Guys Team the best? No. Is YOUR team the best? Nope. Sure you may be the "Best" at your local mall/arcade where the "Big Boys" hang out but as far as anyone else is concerned on this forum your just another typical joe gamer. So guys don't waste your breath and risk high blood pressure to claim that your the best because until you can PERSONALLY back up your claims your just as skilled as the rest of us. That's all wanted to clear some things up Sayonara Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:18:2000 07:23 AM: you are right SilverGear there's nothing any of us can do to prove ANYTHING on the computer. And I do agree with 100% about everyone having THEIR own best team and if practiced enough it could very well become the best team till the guy who practiced more comes along and beats you. So all im trying to say is that you are right and your post is probably the most intelligent post in this forum. i realize that a lot of this crap isnt going to prove anything unless everyone see it,which is why cable,spiral,cyclops/blackheart/storm will be the "TOP" teams because of b4. but hopefully b5 will open eyes that other teams will emerge to beat that team and each others. so i gotta say nice post man, youre the ONLY one here that didnt talk shit to anyone and made comments that made sense and wasnt biased and could tell you know what your talking about with the dominant teams being in a variety of combinations. you made everyone here look dumb for there posts without putting one of us down so like i said youre making a good point without all the bullshit and trashtalking. late. Posted by reMix on 11:18:2000 07:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by SilverGear: *Ahem* First of all let me clear something up guys. EVERYONE has a different team they dominate with. While it may not be considered the best team it's THEIR PERSONAL best. For a perfect example my personal fav. team is: Marrow/Spiral/Silver Samurai. Now to some of you that's the crappiest team you've ever heard of, but to me it works perfectly. Plus you have to keep in mind that our skill levels vary. So as far as anyone knows Dairy Queen Guy could clean my clock (and yours as well) with his team with no sweat or it could be the other way around. Now while I'm not saying his teams the Greatest his team is not the worst either. There are NO perfect teams. Because there is ALWAYS someone better. Is my team the best? No. Is Dairy Queen Guys Team the best? No. Is YOUR team the best? Nope. Sure you may be the "Best" at your local mall/arcade where the "Big Boys" hang out but as far as anyone else is concerned on this forum your just another typical joe gamer. So guys don't waste your breath and risk high blood pressure to claim that your the best because until you can PERSONALLY back up your claims your just as skilled as the rest of us. That's all wanted to clear some things up Sayonara Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! <IMG SRC=""> "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio And there you have it. End of discussion, end of post, end of topic, end of forum, end of world, end of univ - what? oh, sorry. "Damn you, Kakarrot!" --------------------- reMix Wu-Sword Soulja Posted by SilverGear on 11:18:2000 07:44 AM: Thank you Super Saiyan Cable I'm glad to see that you liked my post. I think it's important that us gamers show respect to each other no matter who we use or how we use them. You know what I mean? And I too am looking forward to seeing who people use in B5 ....Hopefully we'll see a bigger variety of characters Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:18:2000 10:57 AM: dam silver gear i also think you are the smartest guy to post here so far. that is right, man; nobody can say any shit until they actually see it happen in combat. let me tell you i think your team is nice, marrow spiral silver samurai. do you use marrow to stop storm's running away? i don't know if her missles super in the air follows storm all the way up off the screen or not. i have been thinking a lot about using marrow, sonson or hulk to stop storm from going to the top. blackheart probably for me is my first choice but i want to think of others to use instead of just blackheart all the time, even though i love blackheart and used him all the time in marvel vs streetfighter. i missed him in mvc1. do you know if captain commando can get to her too? dam man what super saiyan cable said about you is right. you know your shit and if you're at b5, i will be honored to battle you. i'll be wearing a dairy queen hat, and probably a dairy queen shirt. let's fight man it will be my privilege. let me say this to you-- i really respect you for using marrow, spiral and silver samurai as your main weapons. i have to admit, i didn't think of using spiral until i saw some guys at my arcade using her first. but i thought of using Ruby Heart the way i do all by myself. same with venom, morrigan and war machine. same with my other 2 teams who i won't say anything about till the next big tournament. i am stockpiling my new shit and practicing it in private. only my brother gets to fight it man. i hope to surprise people in b5. by the way do you know how to do shadow dio's time stop in jojo's? i got it to work a few times by mistake. is it a super move? i know regular dio can only freeze time when he throws you(right?) thanks a lot for what you said man. you have no idea how good it feels to read from someone who doesn't instantly hate and even treat you like an equal. good luck to you. your comrade in arms andre Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:18:2000 11:13 AM: mr. limp bizkit i'm sorry if i was rude to you. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:18:2000 11:19 AM: dude, it does NOT matter if YOUR best team is whatever... he is saying that morrigan/venom/war machine WAS THE BEST FUCKING TEAM..EVER.. now, that is a fucking stupid statement. what, you are now going to tell me that's true? you guys even wrote that silvergear or whatever is right.. yep, there is NO SUCH THING AS A "BEST" TEAM! but there IS such a thing as a BETTER character.. now, compare venom to cable. with helpers, venom can't do anything. nope, nothing.. "yeah, i'll just do venom fang after i bring helper becaue i KNOW that he will do ahvb so i'll hit him".. HAHAHHA.. nope. i mean, i really don't see the point of this post. i don't know how stupid i became to actually argue with bunch of 5 year olds. i don't give a shit what you say. if you go play at b5 and go to semi-finals with that team, i'll give you 1000 dollars.. seriously. 1000 dollars. it's a challenge. for real. gogogogog if you can't, then you give ME 1000 dollars, k? u said that your team can beat everyone. so that wouldn't be a problem for you. i'm not even asking for a WIN. all i'm asking is for you to ENTER the god damn semi-finals.. take it or no? Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:18:2000 11:31 AM: man you've got me laughing with my fuckign mouth wide open man. no i can't afford to give you a thousand if i lose, but i am now going to fucking play with these guys non stop man. and i was just talking shit when i said they're the best of all time, just to prove a point that it doesn't matter the character you use, it's how you use them. i will SHOW YOU man that it is me against you, not one character's capabilities against anothers. it is inevitable that there are limits and weaknesses to every strat, but i will find a way around them if you give me long enough. i think a year from now until summer, 2001 B5 is more than enough. i will play them if i get anywhere in b5, i'm going to attend if it kills me. SHIT I W I AM ALMOST I ALMOST WANT TO TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE. i allmost want to man. i am almost ready to make an agreement with you here, a 1,000 cash bet on what will happen. i can pay for that in two checks. but i will not because it's too much pressure and i need to just prove a point. thanks see you there Posted by JuSTmE on 11:18:2000 02:01 PM: HEY DAIRY QUEEN GUY, ITS ME FROM OUR MALL. U KNOW THA GUY WHO U LENT THA B4 TAPES TOO. JUST WANTED TO SAY WUTS HAPPENIN. JUST WANTED TO LET EVERYONE KNOW THAT DQG ISNT ALL TALK. I THINK HE CAN PLAY WIT THA BEST OF THEM. OUR MALL IS REALLY COMPETETIVE AND J.R. USE TO PLAY HERE BEFORE HE MOVED. DQG HAS GOT SOME NICE SHIT THAT NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE BUT I DONT WANT TO REVEAL IT CUZ HE WOULDNT LIKE THAT. I GOTTA GIVE HIM PROPS ON THIS NU TRAP HE MADE UP THAT IS INSANE. DQG U KNOW WHICH ONE IM TALKIN BOUT. HE DOESNT LIKE USING HIS OWN SHIT ALOT CUZ HE DOESNT WANT IT TO SPREAD. YOU WOULD BE SURPRISE IF U SAW IT. U GUYS THINK HE ONLY PLAYS THESE ODD BALL CHARACTERS BUT HE ALSO PLAYS THA POPULAR CHARACTERS TOO. ACTUALLY I PERSONALLY THINK HIS BEST TEAM IS SPIRAL, CABLE, AND BLACKHEART. OH AND HE FOUND THIS NICE LITTLE TRICK WIT SPIRAL THAT HE TAUGHT ME THAT CAN BE VERY USEFUL BUT IM NOT GONNA REVEAL IT SINCE HE TOLD ME NOT TO TELL NEONE. BUT IM SURE NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT, NOT EVEN DUC HIMSELF. AND TO LIMP BIZKIT I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED IF HE WHOOPED UR ASS. MAYBE NOT WIT MORRIGAN, WARMACHINE, AND VENOM, I KNOW HIS SPIRAL TEAM WOULD KILL U. DONT GET ALL MAD CUZ I SAID THAT TOO CUZ THATS JUST MY OPINION. LATERZ. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 11:18:2000 07:38 PM: NObody gives a jackshit man. "You want me don't you..." Posted by SilverGear on 11:19:2000 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: dam silver gear i also think you are the smartest guy to post here so far. Thank you. I try my best to treat everyone as equals. quote: That is right, man; nobody can say any sh*t until they actually see it happen in combat. It is true. People have to learn that while they do have skills that satisfy them and meet their needs it does not mean that they are better then everyone else. I think it is best to respect all gamers (at no matter what skill level) and to support them then instead of bashing them. If anything it causes division from within a group. quote: let me tell you i think your team is nice, marrow spiral silver samurai. do you use marrow to stop storm's running away? i don't know if her missles super in the air follows storm all the way up off the screen or not. i have been thinking a lot about using marrow, sonson or hulk to stop storm from going to the top. blackheart probably for me is my first choice but i want to think of others to use instead of just blackheart all the time, even though i love blackheart and used him all the time in marvel vs streetfighter. i missed him in mvc1. do you know if captain commando can get to her too? Thank you once again. I must say I find your team pretty nice as well since all three of those characters have been proven to be lethal when in the rights hands. Marrow is basically my anti-"Pixie". What I usually do with her is provide chase to Keep-away characters (like storm) by following with Super Jumps (If storm is in the air) and try to aim effectively with my Bonerang (either version) or I try to catch her with Marrows Ride & Slash Special (f,fd,d,db,d + P) while in the air in hopes of catching Storm (and it works pretty well since most people have forgotten Marrows Ride & Slash special....and even if it misses your still pretty safe). And if I catch Storm on the ground I usually throw a Bonerang in hopes that the opponent will block. And when they Block I dash and throw (since you can't block throws). So they eat some chip damage along with a throw. It works pretty good against anyone (except Sentinel). Another thing I suggest (If you ever try out the Marrow/Spiral/Silver Samurai team) Is that you make Marrow with her Expansion Assist,Spiral with her Projectile Assist,And Silver Samurai with his Projectile assist. You can do some pretty mean chipping damage that way. For example I'll give you an idea of what I would do with them: Ryu is on the ground I call my Spiral Assist and the minute she comes out I perform Marrow's Ricochet Slash (d,db,b + K). If they block they eat a nice amount of Chip Damage and if they don't they eat a nice 9 hitter. It's nothing amazing really but it works for me. And about your question if Marrow's Bone Burst (Homing Missle) Super will follow storm my answer is : Yes it will follow her up to the top. I've seen a couple Storm players get nailed with it since it's pretty hard to escape. As for Son Son and Hulk as anti-Storm I have no idea. I really can't use those 2 too well...But I have seen some mean SonSon's and Hulks around. I suggest you look into them and maybe ask around. And Blackheart is an excellent anti-Storm Character (that Fierce Punch Inferno is great!). I originally started out with him and he worked perfectly for me. So he's a good choice as well. As for Captain Commando well I'm not really that sure. I'm sure his Captain Sword would work perfectly on knocking Storm out of the air but I would think it would be pretty hard to get a Captain Corridor to hit her since she basically would have to be under you to get hit by it. But he is worth looking into to (I know I'll experiment a bit with him as well). quote: dam man what super saiyan cable said about you is right. you know your sh*t and if you're at b5, i will be honored to battle you. i'll be wearing a dairy queen hat, and probably a dairy queen shirt. let's fight man it will be my privilege. let me say this to you-- i really respect you for using marrow, spiral and silver samurai as your main weapons. i have to admit, i didn't think of using spiral until i saw some guys at my arcade using her first. but i thought of using Ruby Heart the way i do all by myself. same with venom, morrigan and war machine. same with my other 2 teams who i won't say anything about till the next big tournament. i am stockpiling my new sh*t and practicing it in private. only my brother gets to fight it man. i hope to surprise people in b5. Thank you once again. I would be honored to play you as well. But I'm afraid to say that I doubt I'll be able to make it to B5 since I'm on a tight budget (and me living in South Florida doesn't help that much either). If I made it it would be a miracle. But you never know. it would be my honor as well to go up against you. And thank you. I have to admit myself that I respect you for using Venom and Morrigan along with War Machine ,since I know most players usually avoid characters like Venom and Morrigan (Venom and Morrigan where my main team in MvsC1). I will look forward to seeing your results in the B5 tournament when using them. I orginally picked up Spiral just to see if she was anything like her X-men version. I eventually started using her more and more and now I'm hooked. And I would LOVE to learn how to use Ruby Heart effectively one day. For some reason I just can't seem to get the feel of her. But I keep on practicing. and it's always good to have a couple back-up characters/teams handy. It's good to keep a ride range of Characters at your side then being limited to only a hand-ful of Characters. Hopefully you'll turn some heads using your characters at B5 ^_~ quote: by the way do you know how to do shadow dio's time stop in jojo's? i got it to work a few times by mistake. is it a super move? i know regular dio can only freeze time when he throws you(right?) Hmm....I dont use Shadow Dio as much as Regular Dio so I really can't say that I know how to make him freeze time. Now as for Regular Dio he can freeze time 2 ways. The first way is by throwing (like you said). And the Second way is by Imputting the Following Command - Forward + Heavy Attack + Light Attack + Forward + Stand it has to be done while his Stand is off. Now I'm not sure if the same command works for Shadow Dio I'll have to check it out. quote: thanks a lot for what you said man. you have no idea how good it feels to read from someone who doesn't instantly hate and even treat you like an equal. good luck to you. your comrade in arms andre It's my pleasure. And it's good that there be respect for each other in the gaming community. Good Luck you to as well. Take it easy. Silver Posted by SilverGear on 11:19:2000 01:48 AM: To Limp_Bizkit666 (sp?) While I realize that Dairy Queen Guy was a little arrogant at the time (I mean he even admitted he was a little cocky). That does not give anyone the right to attack someone. Points can be made with-out cussing someone out. And my question for you is: Have you ever seen Dairy Queen Guys team at work? Or here's an even better one: Have you ever played against Dairy Queen Guys team? If not then you (or anybody else) really have no room to talk. As far as you know he MIGHT be able to handle a Cable with a Doom Anti-Air Assist by only using Venom , but the thing is that you don't know! No one knows! We'll just have to wait till the tournament to find out now won't we? I really don't have any problems with you , so I think it would be best if you didn't blow this thing anymore out of proportion. Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:19:2000 08:37 AM: silvergear, why are you butting into someone else's conversation? do you even know how this all started? i guess not. did you even read all the post that was written here? i guess not. then why are you judging me and my opinions in the ONE post that you read? i do not have anything against DQG other than his arrogance and his stubbornness to stick to his team. what i had problem with was his BROTHER, super-saiyan cable who attacked ME for what i wrote... what, you want me to just get his dick stuck up my ass? hahaha, maybe you would, but i don't. if he is trying to stick something up my ass, i'm fighting back. i tried to explain myself, but he started to use "cuss" words and attack my integrity... anyways, don't you still get it? the only reason i posted was cause i disagreed with his TOPIC TITLE and his attitude... VENOM IS NOT THE BEST CHARACTER OUT THERE! i understand that a character is how a person uses him/her. i also understand that people have different strats and different ways of using characters. but on the other hand, i also understand that certain characters are BETTER than others. are you seriously saying venom can beat blackheart 1v1? doom? spiral? strider? magneto? cyclopes? i don't think so. it doesn't matter how good HE is with them. what matters is that if he fought someone with EQUAL skills, then player with a better character will win. no doubt. DQG is smart in NOT revealing his strat, ooops, too late.. he only wrote a 5 page essay on what he would and would not do.. like someone else said, he has a BETTER TEAM. i'm not challenging him to a 1v1 duel. i do not doubt that his venom/gan/war machine team will give me a run for my money... i believe he is a good player. i just disagree that his team will go all the way... that was it.. nothing more.. no animosity, no arrogance in my part, and no challenge to a duel. well, too bad you didn't take the bet, DQG.. i really needed the money.. =] i don't work, and i'm poor as hell.. hehhehe, sucks to see someone who can pay 1000 with two checks and is only 23 (?) years old.. anyways, byeya p.s-silver, u didn't know why the conversation started.. if you are really curious, you can read back-on.. or if you ask me more specific questions, i'll try to answer.. btw, i've played against almost every team out there.. but not against their specialists tho. =[ i know a DOPE ASS rubyheart player. Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:19:2000 11:49 AM: look limp, there's no sense getting mad at silvergear hes just telling you to chill out and what makes you think that silvergear didnt read all of the previous replies regarding your comments, DQGuy's, and mine? maybe he believes you were the one who brought this "war" of trash talking to another level and is telling whats going on from a neutral point of view. how about that? or maybe silvergear didnt read the replies regarding what you and i wrote, BUT even if he didnt this forum is public and he can get into the conversation if he wants to. if it was as personal a conversation as you are making it out to be than you shouldnt post publicly and do it personal with e-mails. look man, you are way too damn defensive to take this thin to a whole new level,so again chill out and stop feeling so threatened when someone disagrees with you. i admit i could have said my original first reply to you on the 1st page without that much hostility but you were coming off pretty arrogant yourself. but when you replied to my first comment you brought on personal insults.mine were gaming insults not pointed directly at you. so dont say i started this not saying youre completely at fault. it just happens you took it the wrong way and you made me mad so i insulted you back. so besides that QUOTE:"DQG is smart in not revealing his strat,ooops,too late...he only wrote a five page essay on what he would and would not do" he didnt reveal everything and he says that he didnt in the "five page essay". how exactly were you planning on paying the 1000 dollar bet that YOU made??? QUOTE:"I dont give a shit what you say.if you go play at b5 and go to semi-finals with that team, i'll give you 1000 dollars seriously. 1000 dollars. it's a challenge. for real. gogogogog if you can't you give me 1000 dollars, k?" hmmmm... wasn't that you??? how about this quote: "well,too bad you didn't take the bet DQG.. i really needed the money =] i dont work and im poor as hell..hehhehe,sucks to see someone who can pay 1000 with two checks and is only 23(?)years old.." how were you gonna pay for that. its nice to see you are a man of his word. but i agree with you about the better character comment on some points on 1on1 a cable player practicing for a year against a venom player for a year, the cable will probably win unless venom had developed a crazy infinite or ahvp style attack.BUT too bad this is 3on3 and backed up with the right assists venom might wipe cables ass clean or vice versa. there you go limp, no disses, at least not one thats worth an uproar. late. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:19:2000 08:52 PM: aw SHIT whats up JUSTME! dam that is fucking good to see you post here man FUCK! ha ha hahahahahaha yes i think i know what you're talking about. those guys at the mallsaid it's crazy shit. i think even if i do it here at our mall it won't get too popular, will it? nobody really uses those guys except doom, do they? cyclops anti air assist can fuck it up but it is still very hard, and the the first guy in the team can super cyclops for more than half life with one super. the worst that can happen after that is half life taken by cable, then cable and my guy are both at zero levels, but building meter, and by the time i get to level one again cyclops is still not even barely healed yet. one more time cable calls him out and i block it and cyclops is dead. it is nice shit man, it can kill an assist with two supers and very safely too because of the guard crush, only if their guy is in the air it won't hit them while they're blocking. they have to be on the ground. if you don't remember what i'm talking about don't worry, i'll try to do it to you next time we fight. by the fucking way man your spiral is nice, same with your cable. that jumping over my head shit then hitting me that way that i mentioned to you still hurts man. i am still trying to remember not to get hit by that shit. if you're there tomorrow we will fight to death again. i hope the dam joysticks aren't all fucked up again,is it just me or do they always choose the most crucial moments to betray you man. you know how many times i fucked up on the cable thing? i know how many times it did it to you! short, short roundhouse then NOTHING. FUCK. take care man i will battle you at the mall again next week. late. and THANKS for all the rides to Dairy Queen, i really appreciate it very much. late. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:19:2000 09:26 PM: Whats Up Silver Gear, nice to read from you man. thanks for telling me how to stop time with normal dio man. i never thought of doing that kind of a motion, i appreciate that, i am really going to make use of it too, we have a jojo's at our arcade. nobody plays it but me but i love it. you get to read the story(except for shadow dio) and get more for your tokens. in my opinion anyway. dam that is clever shit man-- marrow's ride and slash special in the air to get storm. i am glad to hear that her homing missle super will catch storm, i want to try her for myself, it is Your Style though and if i get anywhere with her i will Remember to say that it is Silver Gear's Style, i am merely copying his way. a Clever way too. if you play ruby heart try to trap them with sublimation, then dash and ducking roundhouse to sublimation, call assist while ducking roundhousing. i think you can actually cancel her sublimation with a regular move after it's 3 hits. it is a very very good special move, it stops assists and they can't jump and she recovers very fast from it. you can call chests while they're blocking doom or blackheart assist and start dashing and fierce,ducking roundhouse sublimation w/roundhouse. she is good at building meter man. against storm you can do her super that is roundhouse,jab,down,short,fierce. the barrel will drop on storm because it comes out instantly from the top of the screen when she does it, and drops to the ground. you won't get the knife throwing scene but it will knock storm all the way to the ground and you can launch her if you want or start to trap her with sublimation and doom, then blackheart if she starts lightning attacking straight up. if you can't make it to b5 that fucking really sucks man. i am sorry to hear that. what about the ecc tournaments? i really want to see your team at the top. and it would also be really good to fight you,you know? stay strong man. see you later. oh yeah and p.s. you can combo ruby's ship off of any kind of a small hit anything, it is a very fast and useful super. you can block cable's normal viper beam from all the way across the screen and do the ship and it will catch him. you know her super chest that shoots out all the ghosts? i am thinking of getting maxed out levels and delayed hyper comboing any chipping super into ruby's super chest, then as soon as she sets it on the floor, dhc into silver samurai's stars. the chest will come out very slow and late and after they block the stars they will be still stuck blockign the ghosts from ruby's old super and you can do another samurai stars super and then dhc it into the first chipping super again. i don't know i'm just trying to find a use for that chest super. it is a good time bomb i think. take it easy man, late. Posted by SilverGear on 11:20:2000 04:27 AM: To Limp_Bizkit666: Okay my mistake ^^; I must admit I only read about the first 3-4 posts. My apologizes. To Super Saiyan Cable: No need to stick up for me but thanks anyways. Limp had a point there and he made it without being harse so I don't mind ^_^ Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by Galactica Phantom on 11:20:2000 08:21 AM: There will always be top tier and low tier characters. How could someone argue over how good Venom is, say he's just an intermediate player, then continue to argue. This is a big air game. Control of the most space is crucial. Notice the trend in characters that win tournaments. Try to see the game on deeper level, and then you won't have to defend teams that suck and have stupid conversations. I'll add that in higher levels of play, it is the character, or number of characters, that wins the fight. Most finalists in tournaments use top tier characters. And if a character is top tier, there is a big chance that he will win a tournament(check out the Dhalsims and Akumas at B4 in A3) Believe me, if you use a good team(instead of some bullshit team that you think is "honorable" and "cool" because it's low tier and nobody usees "fighting the power" Seth Killian), you'll have better results against real people. This has been demonstrated already: Nov' 12, SVGL MVC2 results= everyone loves storm and cable, and interestingly enough they all place in the tourney Duc Do wins B4 wit' Spiral, Cable, Cyc'. All of you who love Doom Shoryuken writes an article on trapping, most consist of Doom/BlackHeart. I hope you get the drift. Bored... Galactica Phantom Honoo ga, OMAE O YONDERUZE Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:20:2000 10:08 AM: man galactica phantom that is not right. don't say to look at the game at a "deeper level" because there is none. don't say that it is a big air game because that is really obvious. what is it that you think, you think nobody knows that shit? you know i first tried to use different guys Only because i really liked their style, and also Nobody uses them but me. a lot of guys were telling me that my favorite characters sucked but i kept using them again and again, now i can fight anyone with them. except storm. but look at the shit that storm does, it is all running away. the second that she starts fighting on the ground she is vulnerable. she is an exception. but that is the only exception i can think of. Cable is not an exception. doctor doom is very powerful but still not an exception. neither is spiral. storm's shit is only good for running away and that's It. i got off track. i was saying that i used my favorite guys because nobody uses them and also because i liked their style. you think there are top tier characters and bottom characters, but it isn't that way okay. capcom doesn't make wastes of characters just to fill space. maybe you can argue that dan is a waste, i understand dan but i still disagree. they all have powers. including Dan. i had to find powers of my favorite characters the very hard way, trial and error and just using them all the time because they're my favorite, and memorizing their shit. not thinking. now i always think, and i am finding out the new characters very quickly. and the guys who everyone said sucked, who nobody used but me, i can kick your ass with because i know extra shit that you will never know no matter what you do. later Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:20:2000 11:09 AM: GOOD GOD! saiyan cable, your inability to think amazes me with each suceeding post that you type... first, i didn't plan on losing. WTF, you make a bet KNOWING you are going to lose? haahhahaa, okay, i'll bet you 102939023 dollars that clippers are going to win the championship.. but WHEN i lose, you'll have to wait a while to get paid until i pay off the bet i made regarding the the school bus being able to win a race against a ferrari. dumb fuck. second, i can pay 1000 dollars with one check. only drawback? i don't work much, (cause i go to school, not unemployeed likee your ass) so it'll take me long time to fill that back in. but i can pay with a snap... just cause the candies you buy only cost 5 cents or whatever may make you think that 1000 dollars is like god to you, it doesn't mean others don't have it.. stfu, unless you know what you are talking about. third, the only reason i am defensive is cause i believe in things i write. my original post didn't mean to offend anyone. i don't know wtf made you snap and attack me like you did. (maybe it was the 'brotherly love in the ass')again, know what you are talking about before you press the "submit reply" button. god, stupid idiot.. SILVERGEAR, thanks for understanding. i'm just happy to see that you aren't one of the very few fags who visit this site. COUGH.. SUPER-SAIYAN CABLE!!! cough**.. anyways, saiyan, if you are willing to take the bet, go ahead... if you are willing to, this is it. morrigan/venom/war machine and take them to b5 semi-finals. 1) if you actually think that team will get to semi-finals, 2) i think you are actually stupid enough to take this 3) i'll be 1000 dollars richer for saying 1+1=2 "there you go limp, no disses, at least not one thats worth an uproar." okay, i think you are a fucking asshole who can't think. i also think you can't write for shit and doesn't understand the simplest logic. not to mention your inability to grasp the meaning of any type of written communication, you also like to suck dicks. there you go, saiyan. no disses, at least not one that's worth an uproar. byeya p.s-i don't think stating the obvious falls under the category of "disses"... Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by SilverGear on 11:21:2000 05:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: Whats Up Silver Gear, nice to read from you man. thanks for telling me how to stop time with normal dio man. i never thought of doing that kind of a motion, i appreciate that, i am really going to make use of it too, we have a jojo's at our arcade. nobody plays it but me but i love it. you get to read the story(except for shadow dio) and get more for your tokens. in my opinion anyway. Hey what's up? No problem on the Dio info. It's good to see someone else besides me who enjoys a good game of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. And the stories are really cool...I enjoy them as well. quote: dam that is clever sh*t man-- marrow's ride and slash special in the air to get storm. i am glad to hear that her homing missle super will catch storm, i want to try her for myself, it is Your Style though and if i get anywhere with her i will Remember to say that it is Silver Gear's Style, i am merely copying his way. a Clever way too. Thanks. Feel free to use what I said any time. And thanks for beng willing to give credit for it too. If you ever want any more help for Marrow (or maybe some juggles for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) just e-mail me at and I'll happily answer any questions you have. quote: if you play ruby heart try to trap them with sublimation, then dash and ducking roundhouse to sublimation, call assist while ducking roundhousing. i think you can actually cancel her sublimation with a regular move after it's 3 hits. it is a very very good special move, it stops assists and they can't jump and she recovers very fast from it. you can call chests while they're blocking doom or blackheart assist and start dashing and fierce,ducking roundhouse sublimation w/roundhouse. she is good at building meter man. against storm you can do her super that is roundhouse,jab,down,short,fierce. the barrel will drop on storm because it comes out instantly from the top of the screen when she does it, and drops to the ground. you won't get the knife throwing scene but it will knock storm all the way to the ground and you can launch her if you want or start to trap her with sublimation and doom, then blackheart if she starts lightning attacking straight up. Hey that's some pretty clever playing right there!!! Thanks I appreciate those tips! I very rarely mee a Ruby Heart user. quote: if you can't make it to b5 that f*cking really sucks man. i am sorry to hear that. what about the ecc tournaments? i really want to see your team at the top. and it would also be really good to fight you,you know? stay strong man. see you later. Yeah I know. Living on the East Coast really blows. And as for the ecc tournaments they might be a possiability, since a friend of mine plans on going so I just might tag along. Yeah it would be great to get a chance to play you (even out-side of a tournament). Just to match up our skills for the fun of it. Well we'll see what the future holds. You can count on me looking for someone with a Dairy Queen hat and shirt on if I can make it to a tournament. quote: oh yeah and p.s. you can combo ruby's ship off of any kind of a small hit anything, it is a very fast and useful super. you can block cable's normal viper beam from all the way across the screen and do the ship and it will catch him. you know her super chest that shoots out all the ghosts? i am thinking of getting maxed out levels and delayed hyper comboing any chipping super into ruby's super chest, then as soon as she sets it on the floor, dhc into silver samurai's stars. the chest will come out very slow and late and after they block the stars they will be still stuck blockign the ghosts from ruby's old super and you can do another samurai stars super and then dhc it into the first chipping super again. i don't know i'm just trying to find a use for that chest super. it is a good time bomb i think. take it easy man, late. Thanks for that tip as well. And that Delay hyper combo series for the chippers sound pretty good. I'll have to try that out for myself (if it's ok with you). Take it easy talk to you later. Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by Galactica Phantom on 11:21:2000 06:06 AM: Thinking deeper doesn't involve some bullshit like chanting "Ryu" over and over in your basement. You just have to see the moves for more than their range and priority. You can see them for their ability to position you or the opponent for example. This kind of thinking is what breeds inovators and not imitators. Not that imitating is bad, but inovation is better. You can see this in Duc Do's SPIRAL team. You shouldn't be ignorant towards the game you play so much, then make people think that you're good because you're "fighting the power" by using Venom. I mean, if you truly knew what big air games intale, you wouldn't tell me that you can own me with Venom, Morrigan, and War machine. You have much to learn. I agree that Capcom dosen't make shit characters, but they definetly make better ones than others. It would be a pretty boring game if that's the way it was. Why don't you go play Mortal Kombat if that's what you like. Don't try to dis' me if your gonna do it by showing me poor-ass examples of your game plans. Still bored Honoo ga, OMAE O YONDERUZE Posted by KoKoBa on 11:21:2000 07:49 AM: im kinda with the 31 flavors guy. i too always play the same fucking chars. strider, spiral, doom, blackheart, cable, etc. after a while you do start to notice that every godamn player does the same fucking strategy. hell i beat them with a CapCom, Ryu, Strider team. Dr. Doom is gay, when he is called out for an anti air assist im pretty sure that all of you know that you should do a beam super, if a strider tries to teleport behind cancel into another super. if yall didn't knoe that then i don't know what's wrong. i disagree with dairy queen's team though. venom/morrigan/warmachine is a really unbalanced team (at least i think) doing a venom fang against cable while he calls in an assist is damn near impossible, doesn't matter if venom has an assist. first of all a good cable would have a good reflex to just do a c.fp, or a scimitar to counter his ass, follow up with a hyper viper then venom and his partner is dead. Posted by Khaotika! on 11:21:2000 08:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by SilverGear: Hey that's some pretty clever playing right there!!! Thanks I appreciate those tips! I very rarely mee a Ruby Heart user. HEY!!!! I practically was the first person in the US to use her.. -Khaotika! "*sublimations SilverGear*" Question everything. "Motion in the ocean, his airhose broke! Lots of bubbles! Lots of troubles!!" - Tom Servo <-- On December 1st, a familiar spark will be heading home... Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 11:21:2000 11:11 AM: Look limpbizkit your just being a fuckin faggot alright.what the fuck is your problem youre acting like a damn moron now. i dont give a shit if you believe in what you write. you write mindless bullshit, and youre a fag that just keeps on making stupidass comments. i didnt say one fuckin word to your punkass to offend you onmy last post and you type all that gayass shit. damn man, your just some fuckin loser that has to "prove" something by trying to make fun of someone who doesnt agree with your retarded shit. where do you come up with the crap you write.i dont know who you think your kidding moron 1000 dollars is a lot of money and if you think its not youre either** spoiled fucked up bitch or a....sneeze... retarded fucked up bitch,i dont know what planet you come from but youre trying to make 1000 dollars sound like its nothing. its too much money for me to pay off and i dont think that the team will make it that far so i wouldnt take the bet.youve taken this topic to a whole new subject:talking shit. i dont think youve had one post where youve said ANYTHING that doesnt involve you putting someone or someones strategies down. did you get a hidden message from my last post? did you think i was trying to "diss" you or what? i typed normal shit ok and once again you took it way too personal, i said nothing, not one damn thing to make you write the stupid shit you wrote. now this, this reply is when im talkin shit and thats stating the obvious. the obvious is, being that youre just some loser who gets a kick out of talking shit through the computer. now with that last post you thought i was somehow making fun of you, and you countered it with more blabbling,when all i was doing was making a comment and i even agreed with one of your points(better characters). so i dont want the same mistake to happen of you not knowing what im posting so let me make it clear. THIS IS A POST THAT IS TELLING YOU HOW STUPID YOU ARE BEING AND HOW GAY THE SHIT YOU TYPE SOUNDS. now make no mistake that WAS a diss toward Limp_bizkit666 this will be my last post to you limpy im done with you.i cant waste anymore of my time typing to a brainless faggot like you. so "byeya" p.s. FUCK YOU limp _dick666 late. Posted by Pryde on 11:21:2000 07:18 PM: Hahahaha, Hilarious thread. BTW, your team won't touch my Storm and if you try to do war destroyer on me the think again, cuz my Vertical Typhoons would hit you b4 you know it. Posted by SilverGear on 11:21:2000 08:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Khaotika!: HEY!!!! I practically was the first person in the US to use her.. -Khaotika! "*sublimations SilverGear*" Okay Okay Okay!! I'll give you credit for that. Because it's true and your a damn good Ruby Player..........It's just that I can't use your Ruby style cause it's so damn complex Amazing but complex. Silver- I put the "Fun" in Funeral! "By killing those who were against me I lost my ability to fear...."- S. Dio Posted by iMiASAiMiUNE on 11:22:2000 03:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: by the way, Dan and Hulk don't suck. Roll doesn't suck, Servbot doesn't suck, the 2 Dominant Wolverines don't suck, Chun Li doesn't suck, also Sakura doesn't suck, neither does Zangief. Got that right. YOU suck. In fact, you suck enough for all of them. They can rest easily knowing that someone else is out sucking for them. =( YEAH GHETTO Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:22:2000 07:22 AM: fuckin retard Posted by Pryde on 11:22:2000 06:52 PM: Um....Zangief, Roll, and does suck. Posted by Dasrik on 11:23:2000 01:48 AM: If DQG says "fuckin retard" one more time, I'm going to slit a chicken's throat and spill what flows all over his scrubby scrotum. Posted by Frankie on 11:26:2000 07:09 AM: Cable, Juggernaut, Guile...Nuff said...You can't stop them. (WHEN IM PLAYING, THAT IS...) Go to or else... Posted by pataylahat on 11:27:2000 02:33 AM: venom, morrigan, and war doesnt FEEL like a good team, just odd like using anakaris as part of keep away team. but hey i dont like to trash talk so whenever the next big tournament comes along ill be sure to look for you there DQG...i have my own signature team and i can admit they are stoppable in some/many ways. Web Ball!!! Posted by Razor on 11:27:2000 10:17 AM: You know, a wise man once told me something very important. It was: Dogs can't fly. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:27:2000 10:22 AM: well said razor. i don't know man i still think they can hang with anyone even though i lose so much with them. i really believe it is because of my flaws in playing them and lack of practice. a good player who concentrates on them will bust heads using them man. my opinion won't change on this shit. they are good, everyone is good. maybe they'd be a lot lot better if not together, with blackheart there, but they are still very good i think. bye Posted by Iceman on 11:28:2000 02:16 AM: This post is pointless. While I agree that there ARE top tiers and bottom tiers, one thing remains the same. TIERS CHANGE. Let's think about it, look at Dhalsim. At first NOBODY really liked him in MvC2. But after seeing he could runaway "forever" few started trying him. Then when people said he could beat Storm, then people started trying him out. Tiers can change. Who know's, maybe Venom, Morrigan, and War Mach have some easy safe combo that causes a glitch that does insane damage. Or perhaps the Japanese will show that Mega Man CAN beat Cable. I bet if Mega Man could dominate Cable, you'd see a hell of a lot more Mega Mans running around your local arcade. Hopefully B5 will include a wider variety of characters, because that will mean counters to the current stratagies have been found. But nothing anyone is saying can be proven for now. Nothing DQG is saying can be proven, unless he goes to a tournament and shows his stuff. Nothing anyone else claims can be proven, unless it works in tournament play (with decent competition). Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:28:2000 02:42 AM: good point iceman. nothign means shit till its proven in a tournament. i'll see if i can find some people in a tournament some time who i am sure i can easily beat and get a good lead on them then use venom,morrigan,war machine and harness that experience against their cable teams. i am sure that i'll learn some more that way and they will turn out to be very good. i hope so anyway but what you said about b5, hopefully new characters, i totally agree man i hope that shit happens. i want to see new guys along fighting doom and blackheart,sentinel storm. i think marrow is good. specially against storm. whow knows man. the shit you said about dhalsim is right too, although i never use him. probably i would have problems against him because i don't play him. late Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 11:28:2000 03:25 AM: i have seen megamen own all depends on your team, your helpers, and your methods of playing... dhalsim beating storm? hahahha, dhalsim can't get near storm in one on one. uh, hail, anyone? yes, i agree that people's OPINION about tiers change. and sure, one of venom, morrigan, and war machine might "discover" a totally unbreakable trap, or infinite, or easy combos that do insane amount of damage. but as far as we know NOW, THERE IS NONE! their helpers are pretty much useless, their moves lag, their traps non-existant, and their combos do measly damage. the only good this is that WM and Gan's super do a lot of damage... other than that, they can't do much. DQG, i do not doubt that YOU are good. when i play against scrubs, i once had a 26 win streak with BBhood, kobun, and silver samurai... if you are good enough, you can OVERCOME the weaknesses of your team using your expereince, your instincts, and your execution. but when you have someone of similar or greater skills, you just can't win with that team... every character has a POSSIBILITY of winning. but you KNOW that some characters are better than others. drop this topic and just close this thread. i don't think it's worth it when you even say "altho i use a lot, i still think they can hang with the best"... byeya p.s-"hanging with the best" does not mean losing while giving them a fight. i could give anyone a fight with any character. hanging with the best means at least winning 30% of your games against the best... IMO... Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by Strider Kyo on 11:28:2000 03:25 AM: Nah I disagree if you ask me I think Guile/Jill/Sentinel or wolverine(MVC) is the best team and one of the most unstopable. "As the shadows of fate cast over the world bring forth the ray of hope." - Sol of Solistair Posted by visakan on 11:30:2000 09:13 AM: Hey, First, I must get this straight... WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? The creator of MVC2? Can you make the team of Venom, Morrigan and War Machine invincible? They still take damage right? They still get hit. So there's no way around it. THERE IS A POSSIBILITY that you may lose. NO TEAM IS THE BEST!!! Yes, I do understand the fact that Dan and others are quite weak, but in the hands of a skillful player, he may beat you big time! I have once been defeated by a team of Dan, Roll, and Spiderman. I killed off Roll and Spiderman, but dan finished off all Cable, Strider, and Storm! YES HE DID IT! I asked him how, he said he played as Dan everyday, knew every secret, every move, and he had a strategy to beat every character with that guy. That set me thinking. I then realised that skill is more important. If you blame Cable's 4 HVBs in a row cheap (I don't use that), you are cheap for falling for that.If you call Ice Beams cheating, think carefully. Iceman's moves are Ice Beam, Ice Avalanche, and Ice fist. Ice fist is useless, Ice avalanche.... Drops a ball of snow? I mean, a simple, easy to do Optic Bullet or Super Gun can counter that! This leaves Iceman with one useful move, and one super. He has a block that takes almost no damage, but that is to compensate. If you want to know the best teams, it depends on who you are comefortable with. If so, you don't need a damn strategy, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! If you still dont believe me, then.. Well, go for these kind of teams... Cable, Spiderman, Zangief Cyclops, Ken, Cammy Storm, Strider, BB Hood Ryu, Akuma, Ruby Heart My Fav are : CABLE, STRIDER AND STORM CABLE, CYCLOPS AND AKUMA Understand that I am only showing you good teams. Your experience and your skill is what really counts. Meanwhile, I feel that teams like CABLE CYCLOPS ICEMAN RYU KEN AKUMA suck, as they lack variety. I mean, if you are playing Ryu Ken and Akuma, all three players have similar disadvantages. Ken is good at anti air, cable is good at projectiles, and spidey can capture. These assists can mean win or lose, and can also mean that one guy can be saved by his comrade. If somevody is above spidey/cable, call in ken for a shoruu ken. If somebody is runnining away from ken, use spideys capture. and if somebody is dashing (Juggernaut and Colussus) At spidey, call in cable. ( I excluded ken as ken can hadou ken them in the face though. But this isn't my fav team I hope my time is spent usefully, not for fucking bastards who think they have a good team. GET VARIETY! Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:30:2000 09:15 PM: i think you should get variety. what do you mean get variety when every single person you mentioned is always used and beaten? akuma ken ryu iceman cammy spiderman psylocke and shit, that crap is always played everywhere by guys who don't know much more than those characters. i think venom beats every one of them, the only one who has a chance is cable. and even then, he can only win if he has a very very good anti air assist and keeps retreating while throwing a grenade down to protect the assist, waiting for a chance to air hyper viper beam venom to death. that's it. he has to keep backing up till he gets to the corner, and this is not only with cable, venom can force most of the characters who are powerful on the ground into the corner, then start to trap with morrigan anti air assist and dashing in to throw to air combo to throw to air combo till they're dead. cable only is good against venom because of the same reason he's good against everyone, he can kill from one ducking short, and venom can't call assists unless he will super jump right after and that is still good but weakens venom's style a little bit. the only characters you mentioned who not too many people use i think were zangief and ruby heart and B.B hood. the rest all kinds of guys use them and keep trying to connect supers. you should try marrow. i suck with her but i think she is very good. silver samurai is very very good. so is roll. dan is also good, if used with morrigan she can call dan assist before she does her soul eraser and time it so his assist covers soul eraser right at the end, cable can't super them back. morrigan will eventually kill assists of cable that way, because she can air dash everywhere and keep building meter for herself to super assists to death with dan's autograph well timed to cover her. what do you mean if people are running away all day use spidey's capture. man that shit doesn't make sense. do you know what spiderman's capture assist or even his capture moves are? little fireballs that go on the ground, or he has one web throw when you have him out with fierce that goes diagonal up. spiderman isn't that good in this game, i don't think anyway. maybe if you have a very good first character and just use him for one of his assists at the end when everyone's almost dead his spiderman crap might be useful, but it's not easy to play him against doom or spiral. or blackheart or even zangief or of course cable. roll can run away from everyone all day except for blackheart. dan can run from even blackheart and also taunt the whole time to build meter, then fight till he's almost dead and try to connect one level three super so he will almost kill that character. war machine is very very good, i will use him with doom or blackheart and make a good example of how all-around his skills are. late. Posted by Sh|n HaDoKeN! on 12:01:2000 08:05 PM: Ken+Ryu+Akuma=unstoppable ------------------------- Shoryu Reppa! ------------------------- ------------------------- I simply have nothing intelligent to say (it's a trend) Posted by Dance_Floor_Pro on 12:02:2000 07:47 AM: hahaha this is hilarious... so far... i dont even think this is bout best teams anymore hahaha... keep it up guyz... Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:02:2000 10:44 AM: Venom Morrigan and War Machine has just been proven by a Scientist to be the Greatest fighting team in mvc2 man. how about That crazy shit. i hired a Scientist from a University to study it and he told me how right i am. i fucking bet you guys can't beat that, can you? i can say whatever the dam hell i want to say okay, and you can not believe it if you do'nt want to but i think this team kicks ass hard man. they die to storm, and sometimes runaway doctor doom, but that's it. cable is always going to be menacing, one fuck up and someone's dead you know? but still, it can be the same here. if you cancel venom web into morrigan's oichi oichi(whatever the shit it is) when she splits in two, and you have to cancel before venom does the venom fang at the end for it to work, you will get venom placed at the end of the team with war machine in second and morrigan out. she can fuck around and just soul fist if she wants, or she can start war machien and cover with up-forward air dash. just as long as she builds meter and can land one standing fierce. then she cancels standing fierce into standing roundhouse into dragon punch super, but don't let it come out. it will most probably just miss anyway. as soon as you get the super off while they're stunned from standing roundhouse you cancel into war machine proton cannon and right at the last few hits of proton cannon you cancel to death bite, and they have to ride death bite till one screen farther on the stage. that shit hurts, man. it really is painful to hit someone with that crap, and if you can hit cable with it the whole team you are fighting is shook. shaken up bad. fuck i'm tired. Posted by Frankie on 12:02:2000 12:13 PM: Yawn.....CablJuggernaGuile......Yawn...Yawn....Yawn.... Go to or else... Posted by Frankie on 12:02:2000 12:17 PM: Yeah, I hired a scientist to study this message board and he thinks dairy queen guy has the mind complexion of a chimpanzee... ohh yeah..... cough.....cough...cough....CableJuggernaGuile....cough....cough.... Thats all I got to say.... Go to or else... Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:02:2000 07:31 PM: this chimpanzee can play some venom against your cable shit man. i might be a chimp but i can put morrigan against your cable and juggernaut and guile and get you man. do you use them in that order? starting cable? if you do i will be happy to start venom against you. if your scientist said i'm a chimp my scientist said you are a dam cockroach. and he also said your team is very bad. it just won't do man. you'll get crushed, i'm sorry. this is what is real, what i am saying and i hate to have to give you the bad news, but you will lose no matter what. i really am very sorry. there is No alternative to what i'm saying because it is 100% Right and Nothing about it is wrong, you have already lost. see you later. fucking losing to a chimpanzee, how about them apples. using venom, morrigan and war machine against your cable too. Good Thing i am right and everyone else is wrong. man it sure is a good thing Everyone Everywhere sucks except for me man. i am very glad about that. Whew! Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:02:2000 07:49 PM: yeah i have just decided that Venom Morrigan and War Machine together is so dam good that NOBODY and NOTHING anywhere is as good at Anything as these three are together at winning in mvc2. i think this is a Historical Event that i have discovered and want to take this opportunity to congratulate myself for finding the Very Very Best Shit in the Whole World that there is. i have found THE best crap you will fucking ever hope to find, ME i found it not your ass. so i'm sorry man anyone who thinks they're any good because you are automatically disqualified. you can just roll over and surrender, you probably want to so stop kidding yourself. it is very shameful of people using cable and storm and sentinel and shit because they know those characters are a little bit good, a little okay; to even hope to counter Venom, Morrigan, War Machine with cable and sentinel and storm and magneto and cyclops and doom and spiral and blackheart. those guys suck man. where is your brain? those characters SUCK- don't you get it yet? if you still don't understand, just trust me because i am actually the only person in the entire world who really knows the truth, so you can trust me man it's cool. i will allow you the Exalted privilege of knowing what really the greatest team in mvc2 is and could possibly be. no wait that is wrong to insult Venom Morrigan War Machine that way, it is not only the Greatest team in mvc2, it is the Greatest Thing that has Every happened on Earth or anywhere else, the only thing that is better was Jesus. that's IT Venom Morrigan and War Machine only loses in its greatness to GOD and that's IT. NOTHING and NOBODY can HOPE to come close to this kind of Awesome Greatness and i am extremely proud and very very happy to have been the One Guy blessed enough from God to have figured it out. yeah man, i am sorry that you jokers were all left out of the glory, mislead by the devil in thinking that CABLE or DOOM! were the greatest players. yeah, it really is too bad for you guys. well, don't you all go committing suicide because of the shame in being wrong, okay? it is okay to be wrong. besides if you guys all go and kill yourself, there will be noone left for me to beat with Venom Morrigan and War Machine. late and p.s. by the way, i know how many drooling and hyperventilating cable groupies this post is going to upset to near death, i just want to tell you guys it's okay to be wrong. don't worry about a thing. the extreme humiliation and shame that you are experiencing doesn't mean you should commit suicide. my intent here is to post The TRUTH, not to have everyone in the world who plays mvc2 commit suicide because of how thoroughly and graciously i have dehumanized them by giving you the truth. i can hear the 11:00 news now, suicide rates in videa game playing teens has just sky rocketed due to ?? unbearable shame caused by the power of Venom? SHIT man i hope you guys fuck that's enough isn't it? HAHAHAAHN B Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 12:04:2000 02:34 AM: hahahhahhahha i'm tired of writng a reply to this shit. he prolly is blind or something, so he doesn't even know what we are saying.. uh, we wouldn't understand it anyways. dumbass. go win a tournament. "hired a scientist".. HAHAHA i hired a scientist saying that people who think that team will win will die of false hope. prolly in the first round. to a dan user. with roll and anakaris. GO WIN A TOURNAMENT! or go play at SHGL dec 16. big tourney there, and if you win it, i bet everyone here will name you the BEST player ever. got it? unless you can't win,then we'll all be right thinking you are nothing but a mouth you can't play for shit thinking he is good cause he could beat up computer with his "elite" team. STFU. Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:05:2000 11:11 AM: next time you're practicing against the computer, i issue you a challenge, whoever might read this. Fight in Arcade Mode against CPU Venom, Morrigan, War Machine in that order with venom on expansion, morrigan on anti air and war machine on projectile. they will Kick Your Ass. it is not because the game is trying to let out the secret of their power together but because they are naturally so good together that it fucks you up. let me tell you now in advance, don't get frustrated. i understand completely how angry and cheated and depressed you guys will all feel when you fight just the computer using venom, morrigan war machine. really i am getting scared that too many guys who fight this insanely overpowered team will start to feel so depressed and so defeated that they will die from the shame. they'll commit suicide. and this might make mvc2 illegal, because of the unstoppable force of this fucking unbelievable team. that is how good this team is man, they inadvertently Kill people in real life. take it from me, all the guys that used to come to my arcade that have now vanished off the face of the earth, they didn't have to go out like that man. Venom Morrigan and War Machine will kick your ass until you die, literally. don't fall into the deadliest trap in mvc2, the trap that takes your life. your real life. YES man YOUR ASS IS DEAD IF YOU FIGHT ME-- so you've been warned. p.s. i can' tmake it to the tournament on the 16th i have to work every dam weekend else i'dve been to plenty of tournaments by now. i've never gone to a tournament and want to go so bad to one before b5 so i can grab some experience. but it doesn't matter. the guys at my arcade are good enough to gain experience and at b5 i'll place high with the best team in the sorry i'll place high in b5 with the best thing in existence, using venom, morrigan and war machine. sorry chumps i got it first, nobody will ever be as good with their lethal powers as me. you'll just try to copy and not quite get there. don't forget to bring the extra prozac fellas. it's the only thing that might help you through the depression enough to save your life. you suicide victims. VenomMorriganWarMachine Victims. late Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:05:2000 10:15 PM: Like I told DQ guy before that I get confronted about my Cable/Magneto/Blackheart team. I use Cable and Blackheart for keep away, and Magneto is my combo character. I know all of their infinites. Although the one I do with Blackheart is more of a trap than an infinte. But this is the team for me. I will not quit my own style. I wish people would just quit talking trash on how they think Cable is a cheap bastard. It's just the way I The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by NJames on 12:05:2000 10:15 PM: Nothing's unstoppable man. Even though I didn't win the NEC, ask everyone what I did with Mega, Ken, and Juggy. Ask how many traps that were broken (good traps, like Spiral, BH, Cable, among others) If you're that untouchable, win by 50% or more. -NJS- Posted by TheAngelOfTruth on 12:06:2000 11:52 PM: Venom War Machine And the pointy eared bitch the best team?! you must be at an arcade full of fuckin morons, there is no way any of them can match up to charecters like Magneto Capt. Commando,BlackHeart,Doom,Sentinal,and my girls cammy and Psy, The Angel has spoken and so it must be true, Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:07:2000 12:10 PM: your girls cammy and psy are the ones who have no way to match up against characters like Venom and the pointy eared bitch morrigan. morrigan will Fuck up cammy and psylocke so bad man. venom does worse than morrigan against them. war machine is okay. no the arcade i play at isn't full of morons. they are very very good players there and competitors. i respect them a lot, even the ones who i fucking hate like hell. i respect them because they play this game. it's too bad that so many people will really die in real life because of Venom Morrigan and War Machine. well it's okay though, after they're dead they'll realize that i am really right and they will be happy for me so it's cool, you know what i mean? Yeah, Thanks man. you are right i am on to something big. CONGRATULATIONS, ME!late. Posted by dj-b13 on 12:07:2000 10:32 PM: CURRYMAN SAYS..........yeah whatever.... Posted by yoke on 12:08:2000 12:26 PM: yo dairy just to comment on your team. how would you get out of the sentinal/bh trap? Posted by yoke on 12:08:2000 12:27 PM: yo dairy just to comment on your team. how would you get out of the sentinal/bh trap? also a cable/doom user that cheeses you all the way. like hoy Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:09:2000 11:50 AM: call morrigan assist to use as shield against sentinel's drones then superjump and venom fang sentinel, if you miss and he blocks it, throw him. if he doesn't tech out of the throw, do short short super. or block the last hit of inferno assist and then call war machine assist and jump up while blocking with venom's big shield to protect war machine assist from drones so he can get through to sent. venom has the biggest block i think except for juggernaut and can protect assist very good while blocking. if sentinel blocks war machine missles jump and air dash to him then do roundhouse in the air then keep on him, fuck man any fucking time anyone calls blackheart assist fierce venom fang that shit. if they're using cable, jump first then fierce venom fang. they have to block it or get hit. and also that will hit blackheart and knock him up high enough to super jump and jab venom fang him back up, call morrigan when you land to keep their other guy blockign then keep juggling blackheart. this also works with doom, but doom for some reason can sometimes make venom take a hit from a rock. just Venom fang when you're supposed to and it is really really hard to fuck with venom man. with morrigan it is so easy too, venom's assist is very very good as a shield, he Covers your character and absorbs many hits with his big body if he gets hit out of venom fang. jsut use it right when drones are about to hit you, right after blockign last part of inferno. then morrigan can dash on the ground then super jump up and then do the down roundhouse to sentinel and cancel to shell kick then start fucking with sentinel up close with jumping over and over again and attacking with 5,6 hits in the air over and over. that shit kills sentinel, especially with such a slow assist like blackheart or even doom. or if you want just block blackheart assist and call venom then do soul eraser. sent is so dumb he will keep trying to trap even if he is able to see morrigan's bats form her lasers because he has to to make it a trap, and venom will protect her from drones while she supers sentinel. with war machine it is very very easy because he has an air dash. just call venom when you're about to face drones and super jump then air dash then knee down to sent. if they're using blackheart watch it-- jumping fierce demons are difficult to avoid with sent's assist. that is way better than the sentinel shit but still, just call venom or morrigan assist an dyou will be able to get out. if you're stuck with war machien assist, you have to really do something withthe guy you're using, shiny blade with morrigan or with venom try to throw blackheart when he lands. venom's invincible while he is throwing someone, right when they're stuck in the web, that is when venom can be hit, but he can still block right out of his throwing too. i dont' know man a lot of this is sounding too good to be true, i know. but it's really the truth-- these characters, venom and morrigan especially, kill the big slow characters. venom and morrigan only die to storm, doom types who stay in the sky. and blackheart who keeps on super jumping and fighting with roundhouse demons can kill them too, but he has to have a way to beat fierce venom fang first. if he can't get into the sky and land safely he's screwed too. he has to have a good way to start super jumping like already land from a super jump then call sent assist then jump regular with fierce demons then super jump to cross up venom, so venom is forced to block. a fucking really good venom player would super jump right when blackheart touches the ground, but i never remember to do that unless i am really making it a point to do it. i am not yet good enough to really do it whenever i see a trap yet. late. Posted by yoke on 12:09:2000 04:33 PM: good counters but what about cable/doom there is no helper or venom fang that will go through it. if you super jump with venom and venom time you do id be waiting for you to do it again and instant you. i dont think morrigan and war machine can do anything either except block or get a ahvp like hoy Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:09:2000 10:21 PM: well i will admit that it might be hard for ME. but for God using Venom, Morrigan and War Machine he'd kick the shit out of the Best cable, doom trap on earth because Venom Morrigan and War Machine can only be played well and to the max of their capacity by God. You know who God is, right? if God was using cable/doom trap against himself using Venom, Morrigan War Machine, God would kick the fuckin shit out of cable/doom, using Venom Morrigan War Machine. if cable jumps backward while calling doom assist and hyper viper beaming, venom can either tag in morrigan in one of the holes and she'll just get hit by a few rocks or a viper beam or some shit. preferably the viper beam so cable can't hyper viper beam her after getting hit by rocks. but morrigan just has to call venom assist once and then super jump and air dash forward or down forward and fierce cable in the air then make him block regular moves ending in soul fist, then jump and call war machine assist and soul fist down to protect war machine, then air dash up forward and unless cable is a master of fighting against morrigan he won't block soul fist then scimitar anticpating the air dash, because scimitar is his only move to hit upward and even then, he has only a small chance to hit morrigan. his best shit is to call anti air assist like cyclops or ken to protect from morrigan. if cyclops hits morrigan she will probably get hit by air hyper viper beam, but she'll still survive with the experience of it happening once and not do it again, while cable doesn't have shit left after having it work the first time and never agian after. because morrigan can easily get through to cable from the angle that she comes in at, only commando assist and possibly sentinel assist can protect if done very early. but even then, what if she air dashes in then blocks? she will be close to cable, havingjust blocked his assist and the assist will be taunting. cable will probably be trying to make her block moves or be trying to jump backward, but morrigan is out and war machine assist is about finished by then, and she is right next to cable. what can cable do? he isn't fast enough to battle morrigan and get through, he has to jump backward or superjump. this is already victory for morrigan, because cable in the corner unable to run farther away can be stuck there against morrigan superjumping soul fists. she can always air dash up forward to cable and not have to worry about shit because very few assists will guard cable when he's there, i can only think of zangiefs while cable is ducking, or if there was an assist like doom's that was higher than his rocks, that shit can protect cable too. all cable can do besides block is hold the stick to offensive crouch and hit fierce, doing his launcher. but he won't cut morrigan with that shit, best case for him is trading hits. this shit might be wrong, it probably is wrong because i'm just thinking about it while typing it and not thinking about the real fight. i'm just saying what i think would likely happen, so i dont' know. but i do believe that in the real fight morrigan's tools can get through pretty easily. war machien's too, but he has to super jump and smart bomb, and tha'ts pretty fuckign gay but it works. well who knows man except for God, but God will kick cable doom's ass man. even if God was also playign the cable doom. you don't think so? well you're wrong pal. YES. late Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:09:2000 10:41 PM: i would just like to congratulate myself for being such a smart and great player of the best team in the game venom morrigan and war machine. and also a modest and humble superstar fighter with these three heros. i knwo that everyone is now scared to death of my shit and trembling in their beds at night man so it's cool, i promise that i won't kick the fuckin crap out of all the players who'll attempt to challenge this crazy ass unstoppable force. i have to now give due props to venom morrigan and war machine's original talents, you know? cause it really isn't all because of me, it's just because they're so dam good man! SHIT! i can't BELIEVE how good they are that it's Scaring me cause i'm imagining if someone might use this crap against me! i'll just be another suicide victim. well that's been the old strategy to defeat the bad guy right? use their own power against them. well shit man so what. i will discover their innate strength to even defeat Themselves against eachother. now who the fuck can argue that shit? you can't say SHIT MAN!@Q! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU SEE? WHAT HAVE I BEEN TELLIGN YOU? VENOM, MORRIGAN AND WAR MACHIEN IS SO DAM UNSTOPPBABLE AND HAVE NO WEAKNESSES AT ALL, THAT THEY ARE EVEN IMPERVIOUS TO THEMSELVES! EVEN A CABLE CAN BE FOGUHT AGAINST WITH ANOTHER CABLE! BUT NOT VENOM ORRIGAN WAR MACHINE! SHITHSITHSIT!SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! IA M GETTING EXCITED ABOUT THIS GREAT SHIT. YES! LATE Posted by Trunks on 12:10:2000 01:27 AM: have you played one of the pros with that team? like duc, ricky ortiz, or valle? if so, how was it like? did you rock, or get rocked? Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 12:10:2000 02:17 AM: KKKAKKAA, this guy really lost his stash of his medication... using YOUR "strategy", if "GOD" uses roll, kobun, and zangief, "GOD" will beat the shit out of any team.. dumb fuck, who CARES IF THEY ARE THE "BEST" team EVER? can you win with them? i guess not. then SHUT THE FUCK UP Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by yoke on 12:10:2000 05:14 AM: ok but all your moves i have counters for. if you switch morrigan and she gets hit by rocks there is a perfect instant for cable. also, whenever i call doom i usually pin you down to the ground so you hafta take the cheese. like hoy Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:10:2000 11:00 AM: if God was using Venom Morrigan War Machine he'd win, but not the three you said limp bizkit. you obviously don't know your good characters, okay. you are WRONG pal. so do'nt tell me to shut the fuck up man, YOU shut up cause you're Wrong. only Venom and Morrigan and War Machine can be used the way they are and this can only be used the best by God okay? get that shit? i know i am making the best point in history of anything here so forget tryign to argue, okay. i am right and every single person on earth is wrong man. Fuck this is really the first time in my life i've been righter than everyone there is and also had God on my Side! YES man i see the light, baby. i can see the light. i wish i could play a bit better with venom morrigan and war machine man. instead of just having even matches i'd be eating the other guys' "great" teams. but i'm too stupid to learn them the right way. shit. late. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:10:2000 11:14 AM: yeah i just want to say that i am great and Thank Myself for creating this Historical Miracle. Yes man, i did it ME, not you, so go back to sleep man. yeah it's just too bad that there is such a crazy team now that can kill people in real life in mvc2. maybe this will turn into a militairy secret weapon, when war is fought and it is unlawful to destroy neutral territory the opposing sides will ship mvc2 cabinets to the towns who are strategically blocking the way with instructions on how to play venom, morrigan and war machine. that is fucking NUTS man, can you believe it? i can NOT believe that i stumbled on to this unbelievable shit. this is CRAZY, dam, well i am right so you are wrong. not everyone can be a winner, you know. you have to sit in the loser's pot with everyone else there is. looks like this winner's throne is only big enough for one, the only guy who can understand Venom Morrigan and War Machine good enough. THANKS TO ME, CONGRATULATIONS AND PEAK HONORS TO MYSELF. I'M WELCOME. THANKS. WELCOME. LATE. yeah and p.s. i am actually laughing here because you are so wrong. anyone who is even alive right now is wrong, and i am the only one who's right. Yes, it is me so just sit down, fellas. you're all out of luck. i am RIGHT and you're all washed up. or washed down that is, right down the drain of venom's toilet. with me triumphant and laughing at your wrong ass. HA!@ late. Posted by blahblah112233 on 12:10:2000 12:07 PM: no offence,but cable is god. cable is like the fastest character in my opinion.u mess up with the slightest thing and here comes a ahvb then another and another until cable is satisfied. sentinal doesnt just hav bh,he can hav like,cyclops,cable or whoever.and any of there anti airs can peirce right threw ur venom fang.or then rocket punch u to death.u decide.wut if someone is usin bh and jumps and throws demons and calls cyke assit every once in a while.wut r u gonna do.wut if someone uses iron zangeif and grabs ur ass.wut if strider turns on his orboros.u still want to venom bite,u better think up some better tactics for ur venom. and cable doesnt hav a problem with any war machine or ironman.his ahvb is pretty fast comin out.i dont know about morrigon, how u suppose to get past cable.just rethink ur plans or sumtin.but i thnk cable is god rite now Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 01:10:2001 04:19 AM: IF your so good who come they didn't take you to japan? If we go by what you say you would have single hanedly won the comp, and made every one run home in fear Posted by Monkey on 01:16:2001 01:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: man i KNOW that there is NO WAY --ANYONE__ can beat the awesome and fearsome unstoppable power of Venom, Morrigan and War Machine. there is no possibility that anyone can defeat them. Venom Morrigan and War Machine in that order, or if they don't start cable start Morrigan. but use Venom against cable. THAT'S IT MAN-- nobody can even Try to come close so go to hell if you think you can kick this teams ass man. you will be DEAD if you face this team no matter what you do unless you handicap the player controlling their awesome powers. i'm not done yet. My Prediction is that THIS TEAM IS GOING TO WIN AT B5. they will WIN the whole thing. and NOBODY will be able to even THINK of disputing their ultimate victory over the dozens of cables and spirals and dooms and blackhearts and storms and sentinels and cylcopses and striders and magnetos. NOBODY can HOPE to come close. not even Servbot, Dan, Hulk, Both Dominant Wolverines, Chun Li or even Roll can hope to TOUCH this crazy ass non stop DEATH team man. your ass is going DOWN if you face the HORRORS! that this team has. you can't ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence 1000 times, you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you can not ignore their power. you have to multiply that sentence INFINITE times. you know, like morrigan's infinites or Venom's or War Machines? spider dan tried to say that they suck, but i am saying they will WIN the ENTIRE B5 TOURNAMENT EASILY. against EVERYONE. and you can QUOTE me on that. sometimes storm is hard to beat with them but that's IT. no, that is insulting. the only one who is hard for them is Wolverines, Servbot, Roll, Dan and Zangief. but still Venom, Morrigan and Mar Machine TRIUMPH. they are FAR TOO POWERFUL, and WAY too INTIMIDATING. ...... NO there is noone! Forget it! NOTHING can come CLOSE! they IMBALANCE MVC2! they SCARE the SHIT! out of cable. no cable guy could ever say that shit about cable.later. and p.s. you are NUTS if you disagree. and you are WRONG no matter what. bye. this is the truth, NO ARGUMENTS. NOTHING. only THIS. you are WRONG. bye. the only team that is unstopable is bonerine, serv-bot, dan..haha -MoNkEy Posted by DEBONAIR on 01:16:2001 02:40 AM: ... (Strider/Doom/ ...any character who could put up a good fight) Posted by Brandon Lee on 01:16:2001 03:33 AM: That team is good but not great. I think I could beat that team with Omega Red/Spiral/Rogue. Posted by dairy queen guy on 01:16:2001 01:10 PM: nice team man. i think you could beatem too. Posted by Brandon Lee on 01:16:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: nice team man. i think you could beatem too. Thanks for believing in my team. I must admit, you gave a great explanation to defend your team for certain tactics, thus making it able to defeat a few top-tier teams. Posted by llllllllll on 01:24:2001 09:18 AM: wattup milkboy, i wouldn't doubt that your "unstoppable" is truely what you say it is. to0 many peeps be relying on the "top tiers" yaknowhatimmasayin.' >Lbs< for going against the system! although, i use those top, i perefer to cho0se the "supposed" low tiers. laters kick0, <XXXXXXXX{}=========] All times are GMT. The time now is 12:53 AM. Show all 108 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.